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Re: General Question about Grammar

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: General Question about Grammar
Date: 18 Jan 2001 17:50:55 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.1 (Crater Lake)

>>>>> "Nattapong" == Nattapong  <address@hidden> writes:

Nattapong> Hi, The question may be stupid but I am new to this topic.

Nattapong> If the grammar is not a context-free, how can one parse it? 

Can you understand what I say, and would you feel able to present the
parse tree of what I'm saying?  So I think the answer is yes :)

Nattapong> Especially, will flex & bison be useless for this
Nattapong> situation?

No, they aren't, that's the point.  The more complex the grammar, the
harder/slower it is to parse it.  For these reasons, and others,
computer scientist limit themselves to context free language, or at
most mildly context sensitive grammars.  Linguists go way further,
including using non commutative logical systems etc.  Or more powerful
algorithms, look for Earl's algorithm for instance.  Using Yacc like
tools, in fact any LL, LR etc. tool to parse natural language is
doomed to failure.

Parsing natural language is a research topic, try to find some good
books.  Enjoy Chomsky!  ;)

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