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Re: A question about error recovery

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: A question about error recovery
Date: 03 Jul 2002 11:42:27 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Honest Recruiter)

>>>>> "whyithappen" == whyithappen  <zhke> writes:

whyithappen> Hi there, I have a question on memory recycling while
whyithappen> handling parse errors.My situation is as below: I defined
whyithappen> the YYSTYPE as a pointer to a structure,something like
whyithappen> struct Object{ ....  }; #define YYSTYPE Object*

whyithappen> I allocate memory for Objects in yylex(),and return the
whyithappen> pointers as yylval.  Now if a parse error occurs,I want
whyithappen> to abort from the yyparse() .How should I free memory of
whyithappen> those objects remaining in the parse stack?Because my
whyithappen> application is a deamon process,so the memory leaking is
whyithappen> not endurable.  Could anybody give me any advice?Any
whyithappen> reply would be appreciated.

We have started to address this issue in the current CVS Bison (see  The following bit of the
test suite shows what we have in mind.  It also exercises `%printer'
which is much better than YYPRINT (it is modular, and addresses

## -------------------------- ##
## Printers and Destructors.  ##
## -------------------------- ##

AT_SETUP([Printers and Destructors])

# Make sure complex $n work.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

#define YYDEBUG 1
  int ival;
%type <ival> 'x' thing line input

%printer { fprintf (yyout, "%d from %d", $$, @$.first_line); }
   input line thing 'x'

    fprintf (stdout, "Freeing ");
    /* Cannot use $$ which is the union member, not the union itself. */
    yysymprint (stdout, yytype, yyvalue, @$);
    fprintf (stdout, "\n");
  input line thing 'x'

static int yylex (void);
static void yyerror (const char *msg);

  /* Nothing. */
      $$ = 0;
      printf ("input(%d): /* Nothing */';'\n", $$);
| line input /* Right recursive to load the stack so that popping at
                EOF can be exercised.  */
      $$ = 2;
      printf ("input(%d): line(%d) input(%d)';'\n", $$, $1, $2);

  thing thing thing ';'
      $$ = $1;
      printf ("line(%d): thing(%d) thing(%d) thing(%d) ';'\n", $$, $1, $2, $3);
| thing thing ';'
      $$ = $1;
      printf ("line(%d): thing(%d) thing(%d) ';'\n", $$, $1, $2);
| thing ';'
      $$ = $1;
      printf ("line(%d): thing(%d) ';'\n", $$, $1);
| error ';'
      $$ = -1;
      printf ("line(%d): error ';'\n", $$);

      $$ = $1;
      printf ("thing(%d): 'x'(%d)\n", $$, $1);
static int
yylex (void)
  static const unsigned int input[] =
      /* Exericise the discarding of stack top and input until `error'
         can be reduced.  */
      'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', ';',

      /* Load the stack and provoke an error that cannot be caught by
         the grammar, to check that the stack is cleared. */
      'x', 'x', ';',
      'x', ';',
  static unsigned int counter = 0;

  if (counter < (sizeof(input) / sizeof (input[0])))
       yylval.ival = counter;
       /* As in BASIC, line numbers go from 10 to 10.  */
       yylloc.first_line = 10 * counter;
       printf ("sending: '%c' (value = %d, line %d)\n",
               input[counter], yylval.ival, yylloc.first_line);
       return (int) input[counter++];
      printf ("sending: EOF\n");
      return EOF;

static void
yyerror (const char *msg)
  fprintf (stdout, "%d: %s\n", yylloc.first_line, msg);

main (void)
  yydebug = !!getenv ("YYDEBUG");
  if (yyparse ())
      fprintf (stdout, "Parsing FAILED.\n");
      exit (1);
  fprintf (stdout, "Successful parse.\n");
  return 0;

AT_CHECK([bison input.y --location -d -v -o input.c])
AT_PARSER_CHECK([./input], 1,
[[sending: 'x' (value = 0, line 0)
thing(0): 'x'(0)
sending: 'x' (value = 1, line 10)
thing(1): 'x'(1)
sending: 'x' (value = 2, line 20)
thing(2): 'x'(2)
sending: 'x' (value = 3, line 30)
30: parse error, unexpected 'x', expecting ';'
Freeing nterm thing (2 from 20)
Freeing nterm thing (1 from 10)
Freeing nterm thing (0 from 0)
Freeing token 'x' (3 from 30)
sending: 'x' (value = 4, line 40)
Freeing token 'x' (4 from 40)
sending: 'x' (value = 5, line 50)
Freeing token 'x' (5 from 50)
sending: ';' (value = 6, line 60)
line(-1): error ';'
sending: 'x' (value = 7, line 70)
thing(7): 'x'(7)
sending: 'x' (value = 8, line 80)
thing(8): 'x'(8)
sending: ';' (value = 9, line 90)
line(7): thing(7) thing(8) ';'
sending: 'x' (value = 10, line 100)
thing(10): 'x'(10)
sending: ';' (value = 11, line 110)
line(10): thing(10) ';'
sending: 'y' (value = 12, line 120)
120: parse error, unexpected $undefined., expecting $ or error or 'x'
sending: EOF
Freeing nterm line (10 from 100)
Freeing nterm line (7 from 70)
Freeing nterm line (-1 from 50)
Parsing FAILED.


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