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Re: bison.simple

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: bison.simple
Date: 11 Jul 2002 18:56:11 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Honest Recruiter)

| I am trying to build bison 1.21, but really need bison 1.21-8.  I realize
| this is an older version, but this is what I need.


| The build goes well, up to the point in the make that it produces a
| bison.simple error.
| With GNUmake, I get the error:
|       GNUmake: ** No rule to make target "bison.simple", needed by
| 'bison.s1'. Stop
| With make I get the error:
|       Make: Don't know how to make bison.simple. Stop
| After this, the build halts.
| I looked on the web and found someone else had the same problem.  I found
| it at:
| which was dated 1997.  This indicates the same problem, but no answer!!
| My questions to are:
| 1 -   Do you know how to solve this bison.simple problem, or how to find
| the answer to the 1997 question?
| 2 -   On the GNU web site, the earliest
| versin of bison is 1.25.
|       Do you know where I can download bison 1.21-8?

Nope.  Where did you get 1.21?

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