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Re: reading a file multiple times with bison

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: reading a file multiple times with bison
Date: 02 Sep 2002 12:17:22 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Honest Recruiter)

| I've got a Qt GUI which uses a bison parser
| in the background. On startup, it reads
| a specific file. It does this by doing something
| like this:
| fp = fopen(MY_FILE);
| yyin = fp;
| yyparse();
| fclose(fp);
| This seems to work rather well. I can tell it
| to load a new file and it will do so just fine.
| However, if I load a file with an error in
| it, I'll get the parse error message, but from
| then on, no files that I import will work. I
| always get the same error message! If I stop
| and restart my program, it works just fine. Is
| there a buffer or some sort of persistent status
| that is not going away?
| Please let me know what I need to do so I can
| go back to correctly parsing those files even
| after a file with an error has been parsed.

Add #define YYDEBUG 1 and set yydebug to 1.  Then, check what sees
your parser.  My bet is that it is your scanner that is not properly
reset.  Please, keep this list informed.

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