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syntax howto question

From: Sean Middleditch
Subject: syntax howto question
Date: 02 Nov 2002 21:47:37 -0500

Hi all,

 I've got a hairy bit of grammar to deal with - I need to be able to
differentiate in a language between function call and method calls.  The
syntax for a function may look like

  blah (args);

and for a method

  object.blah (args);

Now, object.blah can also be a member lookup (versus a method call), so
a valid expression can contain a function call, method call, or member
lookup.  Also, function calls can be against an expression, not just an
identifier (since functions are first-class values in the language).

 I've got here the grammar snippets giving me pains:
expr: ...
        | expr '(' args ')' { ... }
        | expr '.' name '(' args ')' { ... }
        | expr '.' name { ... }

 The problem I'm having is that the grammer is not picking up method
calls right.  It sees  object.blah (args);  as an expression
(object.blah the member lookup), then puts that into the function call
expression.  This makes method calls rather not work... I've tried
giving the function/method calls explicit precedence (the method call
being higher) like so:

%nonassoc TFUNCCALL

expr: ...
        | expr '(' args ')' %prec TFUNCCALL { ... }
        | expr '.' name '(' args ')' %prec TMETHODCALL { ... }
        | expr '.' name { ... }

 But it helps not.  Bison isn't giving me any shift or reduce errors,
either.  Any insight on how I can get this working the way I'd like it

Sean Etc.

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