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Problem initializing const members of position class

From: Moss, Jeff
Subject: Problem initializing const members of position class
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 10:33:14 -0500

I've been trying to implement a very simple grammar using Bison 2.0
and Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, and I have run into an issue that you may
want to know about.

There is a problem if the position.hh file gets included in more than one
C++ file.  And it has to be included in the lexer because a reference to
yylloc gets passed into yylex() to get the location information.

So what happens is that the initialization code for "initial_column" and
"initial_line" that's in the header file gets executed twice, which causes
a multiple initialization error.

The only way I could fix this was to remove the initialization code from
position.hh and add it to the C++ file containing the parser class.

  /* Initialize const members of the position class */
  const unsigned int yy::position::initial_column = 0;
  const unsigned int yy::position::initial_line = 1;


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