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Passing filled AST to yyparse() caller after successful parse

From: Jeannot Langlois
Subject: Passing filled AST to yyparse() caller after successful parse
Date: Sat, 07 May 2005 17:47:51 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040913)

Hi all,

In a reentrant GLR parser, how must the yyparse() caller proceed to access the filled AST after a successful parse?  I was expecting yyparse() to return a pointer (whose type could be custom-defined by the user just like the yylex() and yyparse() input parameters) to the properly-filled AST, but it seems that this is not the case and the yyparse() return value is only used to return a parse status code.

Any ideas or documentation pointers about that?

Thanks in advance,

Jeannot Langlois - Signature Jeannot Langlois
B. Sc.  Computer Science / B. Sc.  Informatique
Software Developer / Programmeur-Analyste
System/Network Administrator / Administrateur Système/Réseau


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