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Re: Lexical feedback and lookahead

From: Evan Lavelle
Subject: Re: Lexical feedback and lookahead
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 08:21:02 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

Hans Aberg wrote:

On 19 Jul 2005, at 17:01, Evan Lavelle wrote:
The only way that I know a new function is coming up is that an existing function has just completed: there's no convenient keyword to give me warning. [If my grammar really was this simple, then I could probably use another token to recognise the end of a function, but the real input is pretty complex].

It seems me that you know that a function has been completed when the function body top level "{" ... "}" has completed. This can be kept track of by a bracket depth count in the lexer.

Unfortunately, the real grammar is much more complex and counting brackets normally isn't adequate. Besides, if I could do this, it would be easier just to use start states in the lexer: I need StartStates++, which is lexical feedback from the parser.

Any ideas? It seems to me that I need an 'unget' implementation.
In Bison, it is called %glr.

They don't do the same thing. Feedback, if it worked, could be used as a general solution to eliminate keywords. GLR/unlimited lookahead could, in principle, do the same thing, but it's much less general, much less efficient, and it's more difficult to design the language in the first place. Consider this pseudo-grammar:

top : keywords_top ;
keywords_top : lots_of_keywords | NAME ;
keyword1 : more_keywords | NAME ;
keyword2 : even_more_keywords | NAME ;

How do you do this in GLR? It's trivial with working feedback, and you can recycle keywords at different levels of the grammar.


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