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Re: Help, searching for a yacc group, is there one?

From: Heiko Wundram
Subject: Re: Help, searching for a yacc group, is there one?
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 22:46:52 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.4

Am Montag, 25. September 2006 04:15 schrieb Dustin Robert Kick:
> I know this is the help-bison group, but I can't find a yacc group
> for my problem, and I want to do the basics in yacc, before I move on
> to learning bison (mainly for the C++ support).

Why'd you want to learn writing parsers with yacc? bison basically implements 
everything that yacc does/did in pretty much the same way, so start your 
learning with bison straight away.

In case you're looking for a book, I can only recommend "Lex and Yacc" from 
O'Reilly in case you're just trying to get a grasp on how to use them for 
your normal programming chores (besides writing interpreters and compilers); 
in case you're looking for a more in-depth introduction to computer 
programming language interpreters and compilers, machine and language design 
in general, the "Dragon Book" (actually called "Compilers: Principles, 
Techniques and Tools") by Addison-Wesley should get you on the right track.


--- Heiko Wundram.

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