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Bison advises that a variable 'expr' I use isn't declared.

From: Joe Garvey
Subject: Bison advises that a variable 'expr' I use isn't declared.
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 17:40:16 -0700 (PDT)

The union in which the type for the expr variable is declared is...
%union {                /* this becomes yylval ! */
  int val;              /* GMP type required here. */
  struct symtab *symp;

The declaration of the variable is...
%type <val> expr        /* determines that expr is an int, though I really want 
any kind of non-terminal */

It is typically called as...
        |       MAX '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = ($3 > $5) ? $3 : $5 ;}

Bison advises that the var expr is undeclared.  I'm also generally not
certain about the declaration of it as expr, a non-terminal, may be a
complex statement such as...
ne(abs(X0),abs(X1))     // where X0 and X1 may be integral constants, ne is
!=, and abs is abs()

It is also not clear to me how there is 'linkage' between expr and the
symbol table structure that follows.  Any help on this would be appreciated.
The source for the symbol table structure as written so far follows...
/* symtable.h  has the symbol table for storing constants names and values*/

/* l & y 68 */

#define NUM_SYMS 4096           /* MAXIMUM number of Domains/paramConstants

a symtab will contain a record for each variable whether Domain (1..20) or
Parameter. X1 = 5
Each variable will have a name D0, D1,for domains, or X0, V1 for parameters.
#define CONSTANT 1
#define DOMAIN 2


  struct symtab                 /* a domain value(s) or parameter value */
  char name[16];                /* name of each DOMAIN OR PARAMETER */
  int symType;                  /* NUM_DOMAINS (0) or CONSTANT (1) or DOMAIN 
(2) */
  int numDomains;               /* number of domains for this program to be 
compiled */
  int numVariables;             /* can be almost indefinite for DOMAIN, or 1 for
  int floor_value;              /* bottom or only value for a symbol */
  int ceil_value;               /* top or only value for a symbol */
  char cDomain[16];             /* the domain to which this variable belongs */
  struct symtab *next;          /* next in the list */
} symtab[NUM_SYMS];             /* symtab; */ 

struct symtab *start;   /* start of the symtable list(s) */
struct symtab *previous;        /* the previous structure address */

/*struct symtab *set_symbol(char *symbol_name, int value);*/ /* add a new
symbol to the list */
struct symtab *symlook(char *symbol_name); /* prototype for the symbol table
lookup fn */

The so-far source parse.y follows...
/* parse.y for the project language */
%{                      /* C DECLARATIONS */
#include <string.h>     /* if needed for symlook()  and strstr()*/
#include <math.h>       /* for abs, min max etc */
#include <stdio.h>      /* for printf etc */
#include <gmp.h>        /* the GMP library */
#include "symtable.h"   /* our symbol table */
                        /* BISON DECLARATIONS */
%union {                /* this becomes yylval ! */
  int val;              /* GMP type required here. */
  struct symtab *symp;

%token <val> NUM        /* Decimal constant. */ 
%token <symp> NAME      /* Domain/parameter name. */  

%token NUM_DOMAINS      /* how many domains will be declared in the program */
%token IFF
%token NEWLINE
%token MAX              /* functions or macros to be called */
%token MIN
%token ABS
%token XOR
%token PWR

%token SEMICOLON        /* terminates a statement (line of info) */
%token COMMA            /* lowest precedence thru to... */
                        /* There is no ASSIGN operator */
%right IF               /* conditional if */      
%left OR
%left AND
%left EQ NE             /* equal to, not equal  */
%left LT LE GT GE       /* lessThan, lessThanOrEQto, greaterThan,grThanOrEQto

%left ADD SUB           /* addition, subtraction */
%left MUL DIV  MOD      /* multiply, divide, modulus */
%right NOT              /* ! */
%nonassoc NEG           /* NEGATION */
%token L_BRAC R_BRAC    /* left parenthesis, r parenthesis */
                        /*... highest precedence is bottom of list above */

%type <val> expr        /* determines that expr is an int, whereas really it 
be capable of being a non-terminal */

%%                      /* GRAMMAR RULES OR PRODUCTIONS */
/*  see l & y 69..75 */

statement_list: statement '\n'
        |       statement_list statement '\n'

statement:      expr ';' '\n'   {printf("\n\n%s\n= %s\n",$1, $1 == 0 ? "FALSE" :

        |       MAX '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = ($3 > $5) ? $3 : $5 ;}
        |       MIN '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = ($3 < $5) ? $3 : $5 ;}
        |       ABS '(' expr ')'          { $$ = ($3 < 0) ? $3 * (-1) : $3 ;}
        |       XOR '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = (($3 || $5) && !($3 && $5)); }
        |       PWR '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = pow($3 , $5);}

        |       IF  '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = ($3 ? $5 : $7);}
        |       OR  '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = ($3 || $5);}
        |       AND '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = ($3 && $5);}
        |       EQ  '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = ($3 == $5);}
        |       NE  '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = ($3 != $5);}

        |       LT  '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = ($3 < $5);}
        |       LE  '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = ($3 <= $5);}
        |       GT  '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = ($3 > $5);}
        |       GE  '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = ($3 >= $5);}

        |       ADD '(' expr ',' expr ')' {$$ = $3 + $5; }
        |       SUB '(' expr ',' expr ')' {$$ = $3 - $5; }
        |       MUL '(' expr ',' expr ')' {$$ = $3 * $5; }
        |       DIV '(' expr ',' expr ')' {if($5 == 0)
                                                yyerror("Division by zero\n");
                                             $$ = $3 / $5; 
        |       MOD '(' expr ',' expr ')' {$$ = ($3 % $5);}
        |       NOT '(' expr ')'          {$$ = !($3);}
        |       NEG '(' expr ')'          {$$ = $3 * (-1); }

                                        /* SET UP THE SYMBOL TABLE VALUES */
        |       NUM_DOMAINS  expr '\n' {
                                       $1->symType = NUMBER_DOMAINS;
                                       $1->numDomains = $3; /* number of 
domains in this program */
        |       NAME expr ',' expr '\n'{
                                        $1->symType = CONSTANT;
                                        $1->cDOMAIN = $2;
                                        $1->floor_value = $4;
        |       NAME expr ',' expr ',' expr '\n' /* number of fields confirms a 
                                        $1->symType = DOMAIN;
                                        $1->numValues = $2;
                                        $1->floor_value = $4;
                                        $1->ceil_value = $6;

// look up a symbol table entry, if not present then add it */

struct symtab * symlook(s)  char *s;
  char *p;
  struct symtab * sp;
  for(sp = symtab;,  sp < &symtab[NUM_SYMS]; sp++)
    /* is variable identifier already here ? */
    if(sp->name && !strcmp(sp->name, s)) // s already exists
      return sp;
      sp->name = strdup(s);
      return sp;
    } /* else go to the next record. */
  } /* make provision for either dynamic alloc for symbol records, or */
    /* keep a count of array being exceeded, but for now...
    yyerror("Too many symbols (Constant or domain declarations)\n");
    exit(1); // quitted. */


int yyerror(char *error)
 printf("%s\n", error);
void init_symtable()
  struct symtable * sp;
  for(sp = symtab; sp->name,  sp < &symtab[NUM_SYMS]; sp++)
    strcpy(sp->name,""); // fill the name fields with nulls

 do                     /* l & y p. 18 */

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