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lookahead and yytext

From: Brad
Subject: lookahead and yytext
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 19:21:50 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

Here is a snippet from my grammer that parses a C++-like language.

   modifiers_opt type IDENTIFIER SEMICOLON
       /* stuff */

   modifiers_opt type single_identifier single_identifier LPAREN RPAREN
       /* stuff */
   | modifiers_opt VOID single_identifier LPAREN RPAREN
       /* stuff */

   IDENTIFIER { /* stuff with yytext */ }

field_declaration and method_header are similar enough that Bison has to look for the following LPAREN (right?). The problem I'm having is that yytext inside single_identifier is a '(' instead of the name of the method. So if I try to parse this line:

int MyMethod()

my parser thinks the method is called "(" instead of "MyMethod". Am I right that this is a lookahead issue? If it is, how do I fix it?

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