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newbie: better approach for list processing with bison++?

From: Grant McKenzie
Subject: newbie: better approach for list processing with bison++?
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 20:46:09 -0400
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newbie alert - this is my first grammar so bare with me!

                /* EMPTY */                  { $$ = new IdentifierListNode( 
        |       parameter_list               { $$ = $1; }

          IDENTIFIER                         { $$ = new IdentifierListNode( new 
IdentifierNode( $1 ), NULL ); }
        | IDENTIFIER COMMA parameter_list    { $$ = new IdentifierListNode( new 
IdentifierNode( $1 ), $3 );   }

I'm trying to think how best deal with lists of things when using bison to 
generate C++. I have come up with an approach that seems to work but feels like 
too much work. Are there simpler patterns for this?

Above example is how I handle zero or more parameters passed to a function. My 
class takes two pointers, one to an IDENTIFIER ( my parameter type ) and one to 
the next parameter_list. When I get to evaluating the function definition, I 
need to walk along the ( effectively linked ) list of IdentifierListNode object 
gathering up the IDENTIFIERS into a list.

Should I be looking at mid-rule actions or some other such construct to 
simplify this?


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