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Using Yacc and Lex to parse a char * in C, and execute a function.

From: N07070
Subject: Using Yacc and Lex to parse a char * in C, and execute a function.
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 16:49:14 +0100
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Hello all,

I am a student of computer science, and I am currently writing an
implementation of CRobots with Yacc and Lex.

Currently, the program works like this :

- Tokens are defined in the .lex file

- The grammar is defined in the .yacc file

- The main function is defined in a .c file, which in turn, calls the
yyparse function, with a few arguments.

What I would like, is to be able to call the yyparse function, give it a
string, which it will parse, and execute a function if the parsing is
successfull. As an example :

line        : digit command eol                 {;}
command     : wait expression                    {yywait(&* bob_the_bot,
$2); * next_line += 1;}
             | poke expression expression        {yypoke(&*
bob_the_bot,$2,$3); * next_line += 1;}

All of the tokens are well defined, and when I compile with yacc -d
grammar_burp.yacc && flex burp.flex && gcc lex.yy.c gameEngine.c
-o burp , the compilation has no errors, but when I run the ./burp, I
get a prompt where I can type text, instead of just executing the char
passed to it.

I would like something like this to work ;

char * line = "0 WAIT (1+1)\n";

if(yyparse(line, rob, arn, next_line) == 0){
        printf("Parsing completed !\n l : %i\n nl : %i", line, next_line);
} else {
        perror("Parsing failed");

In this example, it would parse the char * line, find the wait
expression, validate it, and if successful, call the yywait() function.

If need be, I can provide the full source code of the project.

Thank you for your time.

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