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[h-e-w] Match function for font-lock

From: Gian Uberto Lauri
Subject: [h-e-w] Match function for font-lock
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 09:48:16 +0100


       I  wrote a  function to  work  as a  MATCHER for  using in  the
       font-lock-keywords variable.

The documentation says:

"where MATCHER can be either the regexp to search for, or the function
name to call  to make the search (called with  one argument, the limit
of the search) and return non-nil if it succeeds (and set `match-data'

The question is:

Is it correct to use either 

;;beg is the starting point of the matched area and point is where 
;;the point is after matching the end of the area
   (set-match-data (list beg (point)))


;; ditto
   (store-match-data (list beg (point)))

Should I use match-data somehow before calling set-match-data ?


Gian Uberto Lauri               "Bloody instructions which, being taught, 
address@hidden                     return to plague their inventor" Stati Uniti 23              ("Macbeth", Atto 1, Scena 7; Hacker Jargon
Tel: +39 049 828 3556             File 4.0.0, voce: Programming, 1)

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