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Re: [h-e-w] c++ editing , variable name completion

From: Howard Melman
Subject: Re: [h-e-w] c++ editing , variable name completion
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 13:07:30 -0400

I also agree with Paul's points about intelligent
completion.  I'm greatly looking forward to the cedet work
being completed (no pun intended).  In the interim I use
hippie-expand defined in hippie-exp.el.  I use these

(setq hippie-expand-try-functions-list

I tend to bring up in another buffer/window the source or
javadoc of methods I'm calling.  Doing so with the above
definition means I get a match in the first or second try
95% of the time.  I don't get matches or prompts for
parameters based on type, but then again, I tend to have
another window open with the definition or doc so I'm

I also tend to hate the concept of tags files.  If I run
etags every night I find that I want to call things I've
just written today and they're not in the tags table.  As a
result I've written spoon.el that does the best it can using
regexps and imenu to match/find class and method definitions
on the fly.  Using the imports and package declarations in a
java file, it lets you click on a string and finds the
source file with the definition of that string if it's a
class, interface, or method.  Again, it's not intelligent
and can be fooled, but I find that it works for me 85% of
the time.  While it doesn't do matching of parameter types,
it does match by number of parameters and that helps too.
If anyone's interested, let me know I'll send you a copy.

Hopefully the cedet stuff is done soon, then we'll all be


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