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Re: [h-e-w] capslock in modeline?

From: Jason Rumney
Subject: Re: [h-e-w] capslock in modeline?
Date: 07 Jan 2004 21:30:29 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3.50

address@hidden (Jeffery B. Rancier) writes:

> I have a broken led on my keyboard, so I can't tell (other than the
> obvious) if capslock is on.  Is this information exposed to NTEmacs,
> such that an indicator will show up in the modeline?

Not directly, but if you set w32-enable-caps-lock to nil, you can
then bind your own function to [capslock]. Elisp for a simulated
caps-lock can be found here:

Add your mode line indicator, and it should have the desired effect,
with the caveat that Emacs does not know what state the caps lock was
in when it started, so your mode line indicator might end up reversed.

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