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Re: [h-e-w] Display list of types of files in a directory

From: Tom Capey
Subject: Re: [h-e-w] Display list of types of files in a directory
Date: 18 Mar 2004 11:31:25 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3.50

* rob.davenport <address@hidden> writes:

> Years ago I used to use a command-line utility on Windows called
> PocketD which would (with the correct parameters used) display
> a list of the types of files (based on extension) in a directory, and
> the number and percentage of each.

> For example,  a typical output might have looked like:

> Directory of d:\projects\code\test1
> Ext
> -----
> h       ****************** (34) 31%
> cpp     ************** (28)             21%
> obj     ************** (28)             21%
> sbr     ************** (28)             21%
> pdb        * (1)                          1%
> ....
> etc.

> That's not exact (and I doubt the numbers add up), but that's the
> general
> idea.
> There were other options to show size allocated to each type etc.

  here's a start:

(require 'cl)

(defun pocket-d-display-directory (directory)
  (interactive "DDirectory: ")
  (let ((suffix-count '())
        (total 0)
        (max 0)
        (target-column 50)
        (buffer (get-buffer-create "*Pocket D Display*"))
        (extension-description "Extension:"))
    (set-buffer buffer)
    (loop for file in (remove-if-not #'file-regular-p (directory-files 
directory t))
          for suffix = (file-name-extension file)
          for assoc-elt = (assoc suffix suffix-count)
          count file into suffix-total
          maximize (length suffix) into max-length
          finally (setq total suffix-total
                        max (max (length extension-description)
          if assoc-elt
          do (incf (cdr assoc-elt))
          do (push (cons suffix 1) suffix-count))

    (insert "Directory of " directory "\n\n"
            extension-description "\n"
            (make-string (length extension-description) ?=)
    (if (zerop total) (insert "No files found")
      (loop for elt in (sort* suffix-count #'string< :key #'car)
            do (insert (format "%s" (car elt)))
               (insert (make-string (1+ (- max (current-column))) ? ))
               (insert (make-string (- target-column (current-column)) ?*))
               (insert (format "  %2d (%.2f%%)\n"
                               (cdr elt)
                               (* 100 (/ (cdr elt) (float total)))))))
    (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer)))

"For example, because of the Kawesqar's nomadic past, they rarely use
the future tense; given the contingency of moving constantly by canoe,
it was all but unnecessary." -- NYT

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