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[h-e-w] Emacs 21.3 & ESS 5.1.24

From: Daniel_J_Celta
Subject: [h-e-w] Emacs 21.3 & ESS 5.1.24
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 12:53:23 -0500

I keep having problems when trying to run Splus 6.2 through ESS 5.1.24.
The problem is an error message when trying to start the Splus inferior
process. "M-x S+6"

I get the following error message:
"The emacs variable 'inferior-S+6-program-name' does not point to S-Plus 6.
Please add 'splus61/cmd' to your 'exec-path' or specify the complete path
to 'Splus.exe'  in the variable 'inferior-S+6-program-name' in your
'.emacs' file."

The only way I could have this fixed, was to change the code in the file
changing the part of the file where it checks for the version of Splus.

Here is the piece of the code I changed:   Is this a bug????

(defun S+6 (&optional proc-name)
  "Verify that `inferior-S+6-program-name' points to S-Plus 6.
Start normally for S-Plus 6.1.  Inform the user to start S-Plus 6.0
from the icon and then connect to it with `S+6-existing'.  Give an error
message if `inferior-S+6-program-name' doesn't point to S-Plus 6."
    (set-buffer (find-file-noselect
             (concat (executable-find inferior-S+6-program-name)
                   "/../../versions") t))
    (toggle-read-only 1)
    (if (not (search-backward "6.2" (point-min) t))               ;;  Added
this line to allow for Splus 6.2
      (if (not (search-backward "6.1" (point-min) t))
            (if (search-backward "6.0" (point-min) t)
                  (error "S-Plus 6.0 for Microsoft Windows has a bug that
prevents it from being started by emacs.  Instead, you must start it
by double-clicking an icon.  Then you can connect to it with
`S+6-existing'.  You should consider upgrading to S-Plus 6.1.")
        (error "The emacs variable `inferior-S+6-program-name' does
not point to S-Plus 6.  Please add `splus61/cmd' to your `exec-path' or
specify the complete path to `Splus.exe' in the variable
`inferior-S+6-program-name' in your `.emacs' file.")
      (error "The emacs variable `inferior-S+6-program-name' does       ;;
Added this line  to allow for Splus 6.2
not point to S-Plus 6.  Please add `splus62/cmd' to your `exec-path' or ;;
Added this line  to allow for Splus 6.2
specify the complete path to `Splus.exe' in the variable                ;;
Added this line  to allow for Splus 6.2
`inferior-S+6-program-name' in your `.emacs' file.")))))          ;; Fixed
this line to allow for test Splus 6.2
  (S+6-initiate proc-name)) ;; normal start

After making those changes it runs OK without errors.  Yes but, now I get
the following message

" Cannot read history file "f:/Splus.../.S+6history
  Apply: Searching for program: no such file or directory, sh "

When I check for the buffers open there are:
- Messages
- NameFile.ssc
- S+6
- Version %...sigthful/splus62/
- Scratch

Is this expected behavior??
I been trying to figure out how to run the script file *.ssc file I had
open but not much luck I have.


Daniel J Celta
Project Valuation - Special Valuations
561 691 7653

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