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[h-e-w] Re: Emacs and ssh

From: Thomas Haselberger
Subject: [h-e-w] Re: Emacs and ssh
Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2005 12:27:06 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/21.3.50 (windows-nt)

Michael Albinus <address@hidden> writes:

> geotal <address@hidden> writes:
>> [I swear I had tramp working with ntemacs a few months back
>> .............Arghhhhhhhh]
> Yep. I don't know, whether it is Emacs, Cygwin ssh, or Windows XP SP2
> which is responsible for that regression. I'm more or less sure, that
> Tramp hasn't changed with that method (but of course, one couldn't be sure).

Good news: I just upgraded from cygwin dll 1.5.12 to 1.5.13 and 
tramp works again with a current emacs from cvs.

my .emacs settings concerning bash/tramp setup:

;;;; bash
;;;; from the cygwin faq: take this if the code below from jdee doesn't work
;; WARNING:The latest version of bash sets and uses the environment variable 
;; For some as yet unknown reason, if PID is set and Emacs passes it on to bash 
;; bash croaks (Emacs can inherit the PID variable if it's started from a bash 
;; If you clear the PID variable in your startup file, 
;; you should be able to continue to use bash as your subshell:  
(setenv "PID" nil)
;; This assumes that Cygwin is installed in D:\cygwin (the
;; default) and that D:\cygwin\bin is not already in your
;; Windows Path (it generally should not be).
(setq exec-path (cons "D:/cygwin/bin" exec-path))
(setenv "PATH" (concat "D:\\cygwin\\bin;" (getenv "PATH")))
;; NT-emacs assumes a Windows command shell, which you change
;; here.
(setq process-coding-system-alist '(("bash" . undecided-unix)))
(setq shell-file-name "bash")
(setenv "SHELL" shell-file-name) 
(setq explicit-shell-file-name shell-file-name) 
;; This removes unsightly ^M characters that would otherwise
;; appear in the output of java applications.
(add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions
;;;; bash end

;;;; tramp
;;; load ange-ftp before tramp - try to solve completion problems
(require 'ange-ftp)
(setq ange-ftp-ftp-program-args (list "-i" "-n" "-g" "-v" "--prompt="))
(require 'tramp)
(tramp-set-completion-function "sshx" '((tramp-parse-sconfig "~/.ssh/config")))
;;;; tramp end

 '(tramp-auto-save-directory "~/.autosave")
 '(tramp-debug-buffer t)
 '(tramp-default-method "sshx")
 '(tramp-encoding-command-switch "-c")
 '(tramp-encoding-shell "bash")
 '(tramp-verbose 10)


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