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[Fwd: Question to GLPK installation]

From: Andrew Makhorin
Subject: [Fwd: Question to GLPK installation]
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 23:34:19 +0300

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Mario Linsenmeyer <>
Subject: Question to GLPK installation
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 19:54:08 +0100

Hello all,
I don't know whether you are still answering at this email address but I
try it.
I have used GLPK during my study time and I wanted to refresh some
content from this time.
Therefore I have tried to download GLPK. 
I have downloaded:
glpk-5.0.tar.gz.sig and glpk-5.0.tar.gz.
I have extracted the gz-file and it looks like it worked. There are the
relevant folders (doc, examples, etc. and a lot of files).
In read me stand the next step should be to exectute configure
Normally, you should just `cd' to the directory `glpk-X.Y' and run the
`configure' script, e.g.
Ih this case I am using windows but nothing what I tried worked.
It is always occuring the error: the command configure is either wrong
written or could not be found.
I am in the right folder but I do not know what to type in that it
Can you help me in this case?
Thank you.
Best regards
Mario Linsenmeyer

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