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Re: Copying and pasting Cyrillic text between Emacs and other apps

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Copying and pasting Cyrillic text between Emacs and other apps
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 08:48:55 -0500

> > Btw, does anyone know of a tool that can show what's in the clipboard
> > together with how the text is encoded there?

> The standard Clipboard viewer should do that. At least on XP it has
> Text, Locale, OEM Text and Unicode Text entries when text is copied
> to the clipboard.

I wanted something that will show me the Windows codepage and the
Unicode codepoints of the characters; the standard clipboard viewer
doesn't do that AFAICS (and you first need to find it, since M$ moved
it out of sight for some reason ;-).

I found ClipConvert and (its newer incarnation) Album that do what I
wanted.  They can also convert between encodings and CF_* formats, so
it looks like there's another alternative for Paul Gorodyansky's page.

> The locale can't be viewed, but it seems that Emacs might be able to
> do something with that to get text that Emacs puts on the clipboard
> in the right encoding.


> But it cannot influence how other apps put text on the clipboard
> (which AFAIK is always in the System locale, even if the characters
> cannot be encoded in that).

It seems like on Windows XP, the characters are implicitly converted
to Unicode (by some internal Windows machinery), so Emacs can always
win using CF_UNICODETEXT if it's available in the clipboard.  Failing
that, we can again use CF_LOCALE to determine the correct encoding
with which to decode CF_TEXT text.

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