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Re: does dired have `mv' command?

From: Ken Goldman
Subject: Re: does dired have `mv' command?
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 14:53:35 -0400
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To all the other answers, I'll recommend wdired.el.

I don't know if it can move between directories, but it's great for renaming files in a directory, as it allows editing the dired buffer using all the power of emacs.

That is, one can use keyboard macros, search and replace, rectangle mode (great for adding prefixes to file names), flip mode bits with the mouse, etc.

Leon wrote:
Dear all,

I'm wondering if dired has a function similar to `mv' in GNU/Linux
command line. If not, what's the best way of moving files between

Currently I'm using copy and delete for small files. I have to resort
to shell to move large files.

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