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Re: Flymake under plain emacs in Mac OS X Terminal

From: Scott Heftler
Subject: Re: Flymake under plain emacs in Mac OS X Terminal
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 21:12:44 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.2 (darwin)

Here’s one solution, since nobody's responding ...

(defun SS-fly-pop ()
 "CSH: Show error using my popup function."
 (let* ((line (count-lines 1 (1+ (point))))
 (err-cdr (car (cdr (assoc line flymake-err-info))))
        next-msg final-msg)
   (while err-cdr
     (setq next-msg (aref (pop err-cdr) 4))
     (setq final-msg (cons next-msg final-msg)))
   (PO-popup-picker final-msg 'show)))

* In case you care, the popup function (which I use for everything) is
  as follows ...

(defun PO-popup-picker (string-list &optional style prompt speak-fun)
  "CSH: Shows pop-up index for STRING-LIST and returns pick number.
Just show (no pick) if STRING-LIST is a string or if STYLE is 'show or
'speak.  Allowing speaking if STYLE is 'speak, cleaning the string with
optional SPEAK-FUN."
  (let* ((map (copy-keymap gPO-empty-map))
         (pop-buf (get-buffer-create "*LIL-POPUP*"))
         (show-nums-p (and (not (stringp string-list))
                           (not (or (equal style 'speak)
                                    (equal style 'show)))))
         (counter 0)
         (min 1)
         (max (length string-list))
         (pick 0))
    (when (stringp string-list)
      (setq string-list (list string-list)))
      (other-window 1)
      (switch-to-buffer pop-buf)
      (while string-list
        (setq counter (1+ counter))
        (if show-nums-p
            (insert (format "%3d> %s\n" counter (pop string-list)))
          (insert (pop string-list) "\n")))
      (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      ;; You have to use `read-from-minibuffer' (and not
      ;; `read-char') in order to allow scrolling.
       ((equal style 'speak)
        (define-key map "s" '(lambda () (interactive)
                               (BR-buf-read "(BR)(Pop)" pop-buf speak-fun)))
        (read-from-minibuffer "Type `s' to speak [RET quits] " nil map)
        (when (get-process "(BR)(Pop)") 
          (delete-process "(BR)(Pop)")))
       ((not show-nums-p)
        (read-from-minibuffer "[RET quits] " nil map))
        (setq pick (sure-read-number min max style 
                                     prompt (map-add-nums map)))))
      (kill-buffer pop-buf))

* In case you again care, the `sure-read-number' function is ...

(defun sure-read-number (min max &optional force-pick prompt map)
  "CSH: Read from minibuffer; making sure number is in range.
Do not include colon in PROMPT."
  (let ((map (or map (copy-keymap gSS-number-map)))
        (prompt (or prompt "Pick a number"))
        (not-ready t)
        opt opt-num)
    (if force-pick 
        (setq prompt (concat prompt ": "))
      (setq prompt (concat prompt " [RET quits] ")))
    (while not-ready
      (setq opt (read-from-minibuffer prompt nil map))
      (setq opt-num (string-to-number opt))
       ((string-match "[^0-9]" opt)
        (message "<(Choice must be a number)>") (sit-for 2))
       ((and (not (equal opt ""))
             (or (< opt-num min) (> opt-num max)))
        (message "<(Choose between %d and %d)>" min max) (sit-for 2))
       ((and force-pick (equal opt ""))
        (message "<(You must pick a number)>") (sit-for 2))
        (setq not-ready nil)
        (if (equal opt "") 
            (setq opt nil)
          (setq opt (string-to-number opt))))))

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