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recursively move types of files

From: Charles L. Snyder
Subject: recursively move types of files
Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 17:22:38 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0


I have 2 separate but file management - related questions (emacs
22.2.1, mac leopard system):

1. I want to move all .pdb files from a folder (and all its


to another folder:

I can find all the files with Alt-x find-dired RET ~/ebooks RET -name
"*.pdb" RET
but how do I mark and move the files within emacs?

2. I have a huge number of files named like this
"Report_work_01232008_blah.pdf", and I want to replace all the "_"
with " "
ie., "Report work 01232008 blah.pdf"
Some files have one underscore, some have many more.

When I Crtl-x d to the folder, and mark all files containing (% g RET
_ ) an underscore, there are several problems:

- it doesn't search and mark files in the the subdirectories / nested

- only the first underscored in the filename is changed, not all of
them  (how do I fix the regex for "_")

- I sometimes get a 'maximum buffer size exceeded'.

Thanks in advance


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