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Re: What's your favourite *under_publicized* editing feature of Emacs?

From: Javier Sanz
Subject: Re: What's your favourite *under_publicized* editing feature of Emacs?
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2011 04:55:19 -0800 (PST)
User-agent: G2/1.0

Some that come to my mind:
- nXML mode, specially sexp navigation. I edit XML files quite a lot,
and features like navigating up and down in the tree, killing the
contents of some XML element or auto tag closing are great.
- I could not live with other some minor modes: autopair.el, guess-
style.el, browse-kill-ring.el, globalff.el
- Using define-generic-mode, I've defined a major mode for my app
logs, which highlights errors and warnings in different colors and
makes them easier to see.
- hippie-expand, rgrep, psvn-mode, global-linum-mode. These are more
- Some macros that call some command line Linux tools to process the
content of a buffer have saved me a lot of time.

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