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Re: auto-complete popup is broken on master

From: John Shahid
Subject: Re: auto-complete popup is broken on master
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2018 15:49:06 +0000
User-agent: mu4e 1.1.0; emacs 27.0.50

Sorry for the premature post.

The candidates in the auto-complete popup aren't aligned properly. This
seems to be a result of the change in the behavior of
`vertical-motion'. auto-complete tries to move vertically by getting the
column using `(car (posn-col-row (posn-at-point)))' then use the col
number as follows `(vertical-motion '(COL 1))'. This works as expected
on `4a7e74fea687011ee81dcbb02294bccd99b3a05f` but its behavior has
changed on master. Current master doesn't take into account
display-line-number width. Was that an intentional change ? If so, what
is the recommended way to get the previous behavior ?

While debugging this issue I also noticed that auto-complete popup-el
use overlay 'prefix property which isn't documented. How did that use to
work ? I could fix the prefix by using `line-prefix' instead of



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