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Re: Stop emacs caching gpg keys

From: Colin Baxter
Subject: Re: Stop emacs caching gpg keys
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2021 08:37:33 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.1 (gnu/linux)

Hello Gregor,
>>>>> Gregor Zattler <> writes:

    > Hi Colin, * Colin Baxter <> [30. Jan. 2021]:
    >> I have GnuPG (gpg) version 2.1.18. As is well known, this version
    >> of gpg has the utterly annoying habit of storing gpg keys in the
    >> cache for some time (1 hour default, I think).
    >> To stop this happening I run 'gpgconf --kill gpg-agent'. This
    >> works fine in bash scripts that control the encryption, where I
    >> can put that command in the script.

    > wouldn't it be easyier to configure gpg-agent:

One would think so, but setting the time in which the cache holds the
password is not what I want. I am happy to hold passwords in the cache
but only up until the moment I want them removed, and of course this
moment varies from job to job.

I have looked at firestarter This
goes some way to want I want, but not all the way. I think I'll stick
for the time being to using the shell-command as I mentioned in the OP.

Thank you for your interest and help.

Best wishes,


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