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Re: PROPOSAL: Repurpose one key and reserve it for third-party packages

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: Re: PROPOSAL: Repurpose one key and reserve it for third-party packages
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2021 11:59:15 +0000

I fear you're splitting hairs here: the distinction between "install", "load" and "activate" is not important in this discussion, with the current state of affairs neither installing nor loading nor activating the package can automatically create a global key binding. The proposal is an attempt to make that possible.

Well none of these should so it, with the possible exception of activating, that I'll mention again below. But I still think that the distinction is important, if only because it is real. I recently realized there would be another problem with this approach, as you also mentioned that global modes should activate themselves on installation, specifically naming Ivy, the completing-read framework. But what if someone decides to install Helm? Will these two modes now interfere, possibly breaking everything, or is it Helm's responsibility to deactivate Ivy. If so, does every completion framework have to know about every other one?

That question and the problems you raise are orthogonal to the problem at hand. I did not say that the distinction isn't important in general, only that it isn't relevant for the problem that the proposal attempts to solve.

I have no opinion about whether it is better for packages to install global bindings at installation time, at loading time or at activation time. At first sight it seems to me that all three could make sense, depending on the package.

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