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Plotting in Emacs?

From: Marcin Borkowski
Subject: Plotting in Emacs?
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2023 06:16:28 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.1.0; emacs 30.0.50

Hi everyone,

we all know Emacs can draw -- there's Artist mode, there are SVGs and
XBMs etc.  Do you know of any packages which could use these features to
plot charts directly in an Emacs buffer?  Bonus points of the input can
be an Org mode table (or a fragment of it, say the last 180 rows).  They
can be ASCII art charts or SVGs, or even XBMs -- I don't care.  I would
prefer, though, not to call gnuplot or other external software -- doing
it all in Elisp would be better.  (Though gnuplot would be ok if I could
show the plot in the Org buffer, which is probably possible -- still,
I'd like to explore my alternatives.)

I found `orgtbl-ascii-plot', which looks great, but not exactly what
I want -- it gives a "vertical" plot going down, and I want a more
traditional "horizontal" plot going right.

The reason I want this is that I weigh myself every day, I put the
datapoints in an Org mode table (and use Org spreadsheet to compute
moving averages), and now I'd like to see a nice chart telling me
whether my diet works and I'm losing weight.  So, calculating linear
regression (pretty easy with Org mode) and plotting a regression line
would also be cool.

Any ideas?

Marcin Borkowski

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