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Re: where do I find extra peers?

From: Mateusz Viste
Subject: Re: where do I find extra peers?
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 21:11:04 +0200
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On 25/08/2020 12:02, Mateusz Viste wrote:
Currently I am able to see a few peers, so I guess I'm good. I'm unable to do anything beyond that, though - so my assumption is that the peers I see simply do not provide much service. The fact that the protocol changed last month and broke the network probably bears some part of its responsibility for such limited size of the current gnunet mesh.

New information: gnunet works (sort of) after all!

Today I installed gnunet on a public server (ie. a host with a public IP address). I immediately found about 7 peers, and I get some hits when looking for arbitrary files on gnunet. Yay!

Hence it would seem that the problem I have with my initial setup at home is about being behind NAT... I was naively expecting gnunet not requiring to be publicly reachable and being able to work when only outbound connections are possible, but apparently it is not so much the case.

On a side note, I documented the steps I had to perform for building and installing gnunet along with its dependencies. Here it is - perhaps it will be useful to someone else in the future:


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