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Re: Where are Camaelon themes ?

From: Nicolas Roard
Subject: Re: Where are Camaelon themes ?
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 14:14:20 +0200

Le 6 sept. 04, à 10:42, Jean Parpaillon a écrit :

Where are the themes the screenshots are on the gnustep wiki. The Camaelon archive does not contains any other theme than the GNUStep default one, it seems.

The screenshots on the wiki are just copy of the ones on my website: ... which are just "in-the-work" screenshots and not available separate themes for the moment, sadly. Camaelon 0.1 was just a release as a proof of concept of how themes could/will be done. I am actually working on the 0.2 release that will effectively implement a real theme support (in that you'll have separate themes bundles, Camaelon itself will just be here to provide some help/automatic things for themes creators). I expect a release in a couple of weeks, hopefully (not sure though, as i'm away at the moment and I'll probably have some busy days when I come back next week... but I'll try to release a preview of the full themes system anyway). In the meantime, you could want to play with the last Camaelon preview (but still without any themes handling mechanism, it just directly replace the current GNUstep theme by another one). That's on .

Nicolas Roard
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
 -Arthur C. Clarke

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