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Re: how to make a static function a friend of a class

From: Larry I Smith
Subject: Re: how to make a static function a friend of a class
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 17:29:38 GMT
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Maett wrote:

But I would like foo1 to be static to avoid it being a global symbol.
(I have a tool which generates c++ code out of data structure definitions, and there are quite a few such definitions, which would lead to manymany global symbols.


This entire discussion is off-topic here, since it is
not a g++ issue.

Post additional messages on this topic to the
comp.lang.c++  newsgroup.

Does your 'tool' make all of the struct data members 'static'?
That would prevent you from having multiple copies of
a given structure that actually does anything useful - since
all of the copies would be refering to the same data items
(e.g. 5 different instances of foo1Class will all be accessing
and updating the single foo1Class::n).


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