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Re: GCC 3.4.3, silencing "extra semicolon" warnings

From: Michael Mair
Subject: Re: GCC 3.4.3, silencing "extra semicolon" warnings
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 09:27:29 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

Dave Steffen wrote:
Hi Folks,

If you turn GCC 3.4's warnings up high enough, you'll get warnings
about extra semicolons from such things as

int foo() {
         // ... code in here
        } ;

That semicolon at the end isn't necessary, of course, but I don't
think it hurts anything being there.  We tend to end up with such
things as the result of macro expansion, particularly when using
Boost's preprocessor metaprogramming stuff.

I like all the other stuff I get with -Wextra -Wall...
is there a compiler switch to turn off the "extra `;' " warnings?

Alternately, can anyone suggest a legal construct that could be placed
between the } and ; (again, say, in a macro definition) to silence the

Note: The superfluous semicolon often brings you in trouble
with function-like macros and if--else.
The comp.lang.c and comp.lang.c++ faqs both provide a standard
way to define function-like macros (different, AFAIR), so I
recommend having a look at them.
comp.lang.c's faq answer ist
#define foo(bar) do { \
 /* STUFF ..... */ \
 } while (0)

Note that the semicolon comes in by the user using the macro
like a function:
 if (qux)

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