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[Help-gsl] 1st attempt at fitting a Gaussian function with GSL.

From: David Eric Miller
Subject: [Help-gsl] 1st attempt at fitting a Gaussian function with GSL.
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 16:44:52 -0800
User-agent: Opera M2/7.54 (Win32, build 3869)


I need to fit a Gaussian function to an array of data points.

The example given in the gsl manual is a bit too advanced for
me to bootstrap (although I'm sure it will help after I get

Any help is very much appreciated.

In psuedo code, I have something like the following:

// Input Parameters
int n = number of data points.
double Data[n]={whatever};
double DataErr[n]={whatever};
double FitParGuess[3]={whatever};

double GaussianFunction(&x, FitPar) {
  double xFactor = (x - FitPar[1]);
  double z = - 0.5 * xFactor * xFactor / FitPar[2];
  double GaussianValue =   FitPar[0] * exp(z);
  return GaussianValue;

double GaussianDerivative_X(x, FitPar) {
  /* Derivative of Gaussian /wrt x. */

double GaussianDerivative_C(x, FitPar) {
  /* Derivative of Gaussian /wrt Constant. */

double GaussianDerivative_C(x, FitPar) {
  /* Derivative of Gaussian /wrt Mean. */

double GaussianDerivative_C(x, FitPar) {
  /* Derivative of Gaussian /wrt Sigma. */

// Return Parameters
double FitPar[3]; // The Fit Parameters {constant, mean, sigma}
double FitParErr[3]; // The Error on the fit parameters.
double Chi2;

int FitGauss(Data, DataErr, FitParGuess,
             &n, GaussianFunction, GaussianDerivatives,
             FitPar, FitParErr, &Chi2){

  // Use gsl_multifit_nlin functions to solve.


  return ;


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