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Fwd: [Help-gsl] random number distributions

From: John Gehman
Subject: Fwd: [Help-gsl] random number distributions
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 22:13:45 +1000

It's not really a problem to set two different ones, but if you like check out R.W. Hamming "Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers", -- you can generate a gaussian random number by summing 12 uniform random numbers and subtract 6.0. There's a subtle caveat which explains that this isn't perfect, but in most cases is actually closer to what you want than a perfectly gaussian random number (i.e. do you ever really want random number which has probability of 137*sigma, even if strictly speaking it's bound to happen sooner or later in a true gaussian distribution?)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eric Germaneau <address@hidden>
Date: 18 May 2006 9:44:28 PM
To: address@hidden
Subject: [Help-gsl] random number distributions


I wish to use _in same program_ a random number generator which provides uniformly distributed random numbers _and_ a function which returns a Gaussian random variate.
Theses functions requires two calls to a random number generator.
So, I'm wondering whether I have to set one or two random number generator ?
Thanks in advance,

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 " Reason" in things existed before things themselves existed
and all the changes in things were governed by it.
Zhu Xi.

Eric Germaneau <> <>

Assistant Doctorant

Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Laboratoire de Cristallographie(LCr) <>
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