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[Help-gsl] gsl_function with pointer

From: Ivan Liu
Subject: [Help-gsl] gsl_function with pointer
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2006 20:30:50 +0200


I hope to use to declare a gsl_function by pointer, and
use the integration rountine gsl_integration_qag in the
following way:

gsl_function * Integrand=0;
Integrand->function = &f;
Integrand->params = &list;

gsl_integration_qag (Integrand, x_start, x_end, epsabs, epsrel, limit, 1,
w, &resIntegral, &abserr);

it compiles successfully but fails on runtime.

is it not possible to declare gsl_function using pointer and pass it
to the gsl_integration_qag routine?

Ivan Liu

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