/*!\file cairy.c \brief compute complex airy function [1] "Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables" Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun public domain (work of US government) online http://www.math.sfu.ca/~cbm/aands/ [2] "Computation of complex Airy functions and their zeros using asymptotics and the differential equation" Fabijonas, B. R., Lozier, D. W., and Olver, F. W. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 30, 4 (Dec. 2004), 471-490. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1039813.1039818 [3] "Computing complex Airy functions by numerical quadrature" Gil A., J. Segura, N.M. Temme. Numerical Algorithms. Volume 30, Number 1, May 2002 , pp. 11-23(13) http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1015636825525 http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/gil01computing.html [online 20070922] [4] "Airy Functions" Weisstein, Eric W. From MathWorld -- A Wolfram Web Resource. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/AiryFunctions.html [5] "Computing Complex Airy Functions by Numerical Quadrature" Amparo Gil1, Javier Segura, and Nico M. Temme Numerical Algorithms (issn 1017-1398) volume 30, Number 1, may 2002, pages 11-23 htpp://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1015636825525 http://www.cwi.nl/ftp/CWIreports/MAS/MAS-R0117.pdf [online 20070922] [6] "Bessel, Airy, Struve Functions, AiryAiPrime[z], Series representations, Generalized power series, Expansions at z==0" wolfram research http://functions.wolfram.com/ [online 20070922] */ /* ** Copyright (C) 2007 bastien ROUCARIES ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Lesser General Public License for more details. ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ** */ /* Please send comments to roucaries.bastien+mathsoft at gmail.com * * ABOUT SPAM and SPAM BOT * If you want to send me spam (you don't and by UE law forbid you to do so) * please send me a mail to my kill list address * address@hidden * END SPAM and SPAM BOT section */ #include "cairy.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define fmtc "%+.8e%+.8e*I" #define efmtc "%+.16e%+.16e*I" #define cprint(z) creal(z), cimag(z) //#define DEBUG printf #define DEBUG(x,...) #define sqr(z) ((z)*(z)) #define norm2(z) (sqr(creal(z))+sqr(cimag(z))) #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0])) #define max(x,y) (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) /*!\brief Force a compilation error if condition is true */ #define BUILD_BUG_ON(condition) ((void)sizeof(char[1 - 2*!!(condition)])) /*!\brief ASSERT but a build time */ #define BUILD_ASSERT(condition) BUILD_BUG_ON(!(condition)) /*!\brief DBL_MAX^(2/3) */ #define DBL_MAX_POW_2_3 3.18525133652251465091489984275398832987840324458967e205 /*!\brief square root of 3 (\f$\sqrt(3)\f$) */ #define M_SQRT3 1.7320508075688772935274463415058723669428 /*!\brief square root of 3 divided by two (\f$\frac{\sqrt(3)}{2}\f$) */ #define M_SQRT3_2 0.86602540378443864676372317075293618347140262690519 /*!\brief exponential of \f$i\pi/3\f$ (\f$e^{i\frac{\pi}{3}}\f$) */ #define M_EXP_I_PI_3 (0.5 + I * M_SQRT3_2) /*!\brief exponential of \f$2i\pi/3\f$ (\f$e^{i\frac{2\pi}{3}}\f$) */ #define M_EXP_I_2PI_3 (-0.5 + I * M_SQRT3_2) /*!\brief exponential of \f$-2i\pi/3\f$ (\f$-e^{i\frac{2\pi}{3}}\f$) */ #define M_EXP_MI_2PI_3 (-0.5 - I * M_SQRT3_2) /*!\brief exponential of \f$i\pi/6\f$ (\f$e^{i\frac{\pi}{6}}\f$) */ #define M_EXP_I_PI_6 (M_SQRT3_2 + I * 0.5) /*!\brief exponential of \f$-i\pi/6\f$ (\f$e^{-i\frac{\pi}{6}}\f$) */ #define M_EXP_MI_PI_6 (M_SQRT3_2 - I * 0.5) /*!\brief The max of \f$|\Im\text{m}\;z|\f$ used for Mc Laurin Serie */ #define MAX_IMAG_SMALL 2.0 /*!\brief The min of \f$\Re\text{e}\;z\f$ used for Mc Laurin Serie */ #define MIN_REAL_SMALL -2.6 /*!\brief The max of \f$\Re\text{e}\;z\f$ used for Mc Laurin Serie */ #define MAX_REAL_SMALL 1.3 /*!\brief Minimum of \f$|z|\f$ in order to use asymptotic expansion Use value given in [2, tab I pp 480] ie: - 5.394496440887451 for ieee single precision - 8.818819021035965 for ieee double precision - 14.4578 for ieee quadruple precision */ #define AIRY_LARGE 8.818819021035965 /*!\brief Tolerance for safety check in percent */ #define TOL_ABORT 0.1 #ifndef NDEBUG #define ABORTNDEBUG() do { } while(0) #else #define ABORTNDEBUG() abort() #endif /*!\brief Safety check for small argument function \note for use in assert */ inline static bool issmall (const complex z) { double x, y; ABORTNDEBUG(); x = creal (z); y = cimag (z); if (fabs (y) <= MAX_IMAG_SMALL * (1 + TOL_ABORT) && x >= MIN_REAL_SMALL * (1 + TOL_ABORT) && x <= MAX_REAL_SMALL * (1 + TOL_ABORT)) return true; fprintf (stderr, "!issmall(" fmtc ")\n", creal (z), cimag (z)); return false; } /*!\brief Safety check for medium argument function \note for use in assert */ inline static bool ismedium (const complex z) { double x, y; x = creal (z); y = cimag (z); if (fabs (y) <= MAX_IMAG_SMALL * (1 - TOL_ABORT) && x >= MIN_REAL_SMALL * (1 - TOL_ABORT) && x <= MAX_REAL_SMALL * (1 - TOL_ABORT)) return false; if(cabs(z) > AIRY_LARGE *( 1 + TOL_ABORT)) return false; return true; } /*!\brief Safety check for large argument function \note for use in assert */ inline static bool islarge (const complex z) { ABORTNDEBUG(); return cabs(z) > AIRY_LARGE *( 1 - TOL_ABORT); } /*!\brief Test if the argument of \f$\arg z\f$ is in region I ie than \f$|\arg z|< 2\pi/3\f$ \note Should only be used in assert */ static inline bool isregionI(const complex z) { if(cimag(z) > 0 && creal(z) < 0 && cimag(z) <= -M_SQRT3 * creal(z)) return false; if(cimag(z) < 0 && creal(z) < 0 && cimag(z) >= M_SQRT3 * creal(z)) return false; if(cimag(z) == 0 && creal(z) <= 0) return false; return true; } /*!\brief Test if the argument of \f$\arg z\f$ is in region II ie than \f$|\arg z|> 2\pi/3\f$ \note Should only be used in assert */ static inline bool isregionII(const complex z) { ABORTNDEBUG(); return !isregionI(z); } /*!\brief Test if the argument of \f$\arg z\f$ is in region A ie than \f$|\arg z |< \pi/3\f$ \note Should only be used in assert */ static inline bool isregionA(const complex z) { ABORTNDEBUG(); if(cimag(z) > 0 && creal(z) > 0 && cimag(z) < M_SQRT3 * creal(z)) return true; if(cimag(z) < 0 && creal(z) > 0 && cimag(z) > -M_SQRT3 * creal(z)) return true; if(cimag(z) == 0 && creal(z) >= 0) return true; return false; } /*!\brief Test if the argument of \f$\arg z\f$ is in region B ie than \f$\pi/3 \le |\arg z| \le 2\pi/3\f$ \note Should only be used in assert */ static inline bool isregionB(const complex z) { return isregionI(z) && !isregionA(z); } /*!\brief Test if the argument of \f$\arg z\f$ is in region C ie than \f$2\pi/3 \le |\arg z| \le \pi\f$ \note Should only be used in assert */ static inline bool isregionC(const complex z) { ABORTNDEBUG(); return !isregionI(z); } /*!\brief Test is the argument of \f$z\f$ is larger than \f$\pi/3\f$ Use than fact that if \f$\arg z>\pi/3\f$ and \f$\Im\text{m}\;z >0\f$ then \f$R\text{e}\;z < 0\f$ or \f$R\text{e}\;z > 0 \wedge \Im\text{m}\;z \ge \sqrt{3} \Re\text{e}\;z\f$ \note use simplified formulation (negated) \attention assert \f$ \Im\text{m}\;z > 0 \f$ */ static inline bool arglargerpi_3(const complex z) { assert(cimag(z) >= 0); if(creal(z) > 0 && cimag(z) <= M_SQRT3 * creal(z)) return false; return true; } /*!\brief Test if the argument of \f$\arg z\f$ is larger than \f$2\pi/3\f$ Use than fact that if \f$\arg z>2\pi/3\f$ and \f$\Im\text{m}\;z >0\f$ then \f$R\text{e}\;z < 0 \wedge \Im\text{m}\;z < -\sqrt{3} \Re\text{e}\;z\f$ \attention assert \f$ \Im\text{m}\;z > 0 \f$ */ static inline bool arglargerpi2_3(const complex z) { assert(cimag(z) >= 0); if(creal(z) < 0 && cimag(z) < -M_SQRT3 * creal(z)) return true; return false; } /*!\brief Compute \f$z^{3/2}\f$ assume no overflow \attention assert no overflow */ static complex cpow32fast(const complex z) { assert(cabs(z) <= DBL_MAX_POW_2_3); return z * csqrt(z); } /*!\brief Compute \f$z^{3/2}\f$ \note raise FE_OVERFLOW and set errno to ERANGE on overflow */ static complex cpow32(const complex z) { if(cabs(z) <= DBL_MAX_POW_2_3) return cpow32fast(z); /* overflow */ errno = ERANGE; (void) feraiseexcept (FE_OVERFLOW); return cpow(z, 3.0/2.0); } /*!\brief Compute zeta assuming no overflow zeta is defined by: \[ \zeta = \frac{2}{3} z^{3/2} \] */ static complex czetafast(const complex z) { return (2.0/3.0) * cpow32fast(z); } /*!\brief Compute zeta zeta is defined by: \[ \zeta = \frac{2}{3} z^{3/2} \] \note raise FE_OVERFLOW and set errno to ERANGE on overflow */ static complex czeta(const complex z) { if(cabs(z) <= DBL_MAX_POW_2_3) return czetafast(z); /* overflow */ errno = ERANGE; (void) feraiseexcept (FE_OVERFLOW); return (2.0/3.0) * cpow(z, 3.0/2.0); } /*!\brief Compute \f$\exp \left[\frac{4}{3} z^{3/2}\right]\f$ */ static complex cexp_43z32(const complex z) { return cexp((4.0/3.0) * cpow32(z)); } /*!\brief Compute \f$z^{1/4}\f$ */ static complex cz1_4(const complex z) { return csqrt(csqrt(z)); } /*!\brief Computed coefficient of f auxilary function According to (10.4.3) [1-p446] auxiliary function \f$f\f$ is: \f[ f(z)=\sum_{k=0}^\infty 3^k \left(\frac{1}{3}\right)_k \frac{z^{3k}}{(3k)!} \f] Using \f$3^k(\alpha+\frac{1}{3})_k = (3\alpha + 1)(3\alpha + 4)\dotsm(3\alpha + 3k-2)\f$: \f[ f(z)=1+\frac{1}{3!} z^3 + \frac{1\times4}{6!} z^6 + \frac{1\times4\times7}{9!} z^9 + \dotsb \f] Therefore compute \f$1/3!\f$, \f$\frac{1\times4}{6!}\f$, etc... \note computed using a arbitrary precision program */ static const double fcoeff[] = { /*(1)/3! */ 0.1666666666666666666666666666666666666667e0, /*(1*4)/6! */ 0.5555555555555555555555555555555555555556e-2, /*(1*4*7)/9! */ 0.7716049382716049382716049382716049382716e-4, /*(1*4*7*10)/12! */ 0.5845491956603067714178825289936401047512e-6, /*(1*4*7*10*13)/15! */ 0.2783567598382413197228012042826857641672e-8, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16)/18! */ 0.9096626138504618291594810597473390985858e-11, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19)/21! */ 0.2165863366310623402760669189874616901395e-13, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22)/24! */ 0.3923665518678665584711357228033726270643e-16, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25)/27! */ 0.558926712062487975030107867241271548523e-19, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28)/30! */ 0.6424444966235493965863308818865190212926e-22, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31)/33! */ 0.6083754702874520801006921229985975580423e-25, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34)/36! */ 0.4828376748313111746830889865068234587637e-28, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37)/39! */ 0.3258014000211276482342030948089227117164e-31, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*40)/42! */ 0.189199419292176334630779962142231539905e-34, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*43)/45! */ 0.9555526226877592658120200108193512116407e-38, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*46)/48! */ 0.4235605597020209511578102884837549696992e-41, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*49)/51! */ 0.1661021802753023337873765837191195959605e-44, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*52)/54! */ 0.5803710002631108797602256593959454785481e-48, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*55)/57! */ 0.1818204888042327317544566602117623679662e-51, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*58)/60! */ 0.5136172000119568693628719215021535818254e-55, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*61)/63! */ 0.1314944188458670940509144704306588791156e-58, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*64)/66! */ 0.3065137968435130397457213762952421424605e-62, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*67)/69! */ 0.6532689617295674333881529759063131765996e-66, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*70)/72! */ 0.1277912679439685902558984694652412317292e-69, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*73)/75! */ 0.2302545368359794419025197648022364535661e-73, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*76)/78! */ 0.3833741872060929768606722690679927631803e-77, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*..*79)/81! */ 0.5916268321081681741677041189320875975005e-81, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*82)/84! */ 0.8485754906887093720133449783879627043897e-85, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*85)/87! */ 0.1134155961893490205845155009874315295896e-88, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*88)/90! */ 0.1415925046059288646498320861266311230832e-92, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*91)/93! */ 0.1654891358180561765425807458235520372641e-96, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*94)/96! */ 0.181457385765412474279145554631087760158e-100, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*...*97)/99! */ 0.1870309067876855022460786998877424862482e-104, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*..*100)/102! */ 0.1815481525797762592177040379418971910777e-108, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37*..*103)/105! */ 0.1662528869778170871956996684449607976902e-112 }; /*!\brief Auxiliary function \f$f\f$ According to (10.4.3) [1-p446] auxiliary function \f$f\f$ is: \f[ f(z)=\sum_{k=0}^\infty 3^k \left(\frac{1}{3}\right)_k \frac{z^{3k}}{(3k)!} \f] Using \f$3^k(\alpha+\frac{1}{3})_k = (3\alpha + 1)(3\alpha + 4)\dotsm(3\alpha + 3k-2)\f$: \f[ f(z)=1+\frac{1}{3!} z^3 + \frac{1\times4}{6!} z^6 + \frac{1\times4\times7}{9!} z^9 + \dotsb \f] \param[in] z complex number \return f(z) */ static complex f (const complex z) { unsigned int k; complex sum; complex fk; complex z3; complex z3n = 1; z3 = z * z * z; /* f_0 = 1 */ fk = 1; sum = 1; for (k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE (fcoeff); k++) { z3n *= z3; fk = z3n * fcoeff[k]; if (norm2 (fk) < norm2 (sum) * sqr (DBL_EPSILON) || norm2 (fk) < DBL_MIN) return sum; sum += fk; DEBUG ("fcoeff=%.8e fk=" fmtc " sum=" fmtc "\n", fcoeff[k], creal (fk), cimag (fk), creal (sum), cimag (sum)); } /* Do not converge */ assert (0 && sizeof ("f do not converge!")); errno = ERANGE; (void) feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID); return sum; } /*!\brief Computed coefficient of g auxilary function According to (10.4.3) [1-p446] auxiliary function \f$f\f$ is: \f[ g(z)=\sum_{k=0}^\infty 3^k \left(\frac{2}{3}\right)_k \frac{z^{3k+1}}{(3k+1)!} \f] Using \f$3^k(\alpha+\frac{1}{3})_k = (3\alpha + 1)(3\alpha + 4)\dotsm(3\alpha + 3k-2)\f$: \f[ g(z)=z+\frac{2}{4!} z^4 + \frac{2\times5}{7!} z^7 + \frac{2\times5\times8}{9!} z^{10} + \dotsb \f] Therefore compute \f$2/4!\f$, \f$\frac{2\times5}{7!}\f$, etc... \note computed using a arbitrary precision program */ static const double gcoeff[] = { /*(2)/4!*/ 0.8333333333333333333333333333333333333333e-1, /*(2*5)/7!*/ 0.1984126984126984126984126984126984126984e-2, /*(2*5*8)/10!*/ 0.2204585537918871252204585537918871252205e-4, /*(2*5*8*11)/13!*/ 0.141319585764030208474652919097363541808e-6, /*(2*5*8*11*14)/16!*/ 0.5888316073501258686443871629056814241999e-9, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17)/19!*/ 0.1721729846052999615919260710250530480117e-11, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20)/22!*/ 0.3726687978469696138353378160715433939647e-14, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23)/25!*/ 0.6211146630782826897255630267859056566078e-17, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26)/28!*/ 0.8215802421670405948750833687644254717034e-20, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29)/31!*/ 0.8834196152333769837366487836176617975306e-23, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32)/34!*/ 0.7873615109031880425460327839729606038597e-26, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35)/37!*/ 0.5911122454228138457552798678475680209157e-29, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38)/40!*/ 0.3789181060402652857405640178510051416126e-32, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41)/43!*/ 0.2098106899447759057256722136495045080911e-35, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*44)/46!*/ 0.1013578212293603409302764317147364773387e-38, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*..*47)/49!*/ 0.4309431174717701570164814273585734580728e-42, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*50)/52!*/ 0.1624974047781938751947516694413927066639e-45, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*53)/55!*/ 0.5471293090174877952685241395333087766463e-49, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*56)/58!*/ 0.1654958587469715049209086931437715597841e-52, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*59)/61!*/ 0.4521744774507418167237942435622173764593e-56, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*62)/64!*/ 0.112146447780441918830306111994597563606e-59, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*65)/67!*/ 0.2536102392140251443471418181696010031795e-63, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*68)/70!*/ 0.525072959035248746060335027266254664968e-67, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*71)/73!*/ 0.9989972584384489080295567489845027872297e-71, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*74)/76!*/ 0.1752626769190261242157117103481583837245e-74, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*77)/79!*/ 0.2844249868857937750985259823890918268817e-78, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*80)/82!*/ 0.4282219013637364876521017500588555056936e-82, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*83)/85!*/ 0.5997505621340847165995822829955959463496e-86, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*86)/88!*/ 0.7833732525262339558510740373505694179071e-90, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*89)/91!*/ 0.956499697834229494323655723260768520033e-94, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*92)/94!*/ 0.1094142871006897156627380145573974513879e-97, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*95)/97!*/ 0.1174981605462733200845554280040780191021e-101, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*98)/100!*/ 0.1186850106528013334187428565697757768708e-105, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*101)/103!*/ 0.1129687898846386192830219460972546895782e-109, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38*41*...*104)/106!*/ 0.1014993619808073848005588015249368280127e-113 }; /*!\brief Auxiliary function \f$g\f$ According to (10.4.3) [1-p446] auxiliary function \f$f\f$ is: \f[ g(z)=\sum_{k=0}^\infty 3^k \left(\frac{2}{3}\right)_k \frac{z^{3k+1}}{(3k+1)!} \f] Using \f$3^k(\alpha+\frac{1}{3})_k = (3\alpha + 1)(3\alpha + 4)\dotsm(3\alpha + 3k-2)\f$: \f[ g(z)=z+\frac{2}{4!} z^4 + \frac{2\times5}{7!} z^7 + \frac{2\times5\times8}{9!} z^{10} + \dotsb \f] \param[in] z complex number \return f(z) */ static complex g (const complex z) { unsigned int k; complex sum; complex gk; complex z3; complex z3np1; z3 = z * z * z; sum = z; z3np1 = z; for (k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE (gcoeff); k++) { z3np1 *= z3; gk = z3np1 * gcoeff[k]; if (norm2 (gk) < norm2 (sum) * sqr (DBL_EPSILON) || norm2 (gk) < DBL_MIN) return sum; sum += gk; DEBUG ("gcoeff=%.8e gk=" fmtc " sum=" fmtc "\n", gcoeff[k], creal (gk), cimag (gk), creal (sum), cimag (sum)); } /* Do not converge */ assert (0 && sizeof ("g do not converge!")); errno = ERANGE; (void) feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID); return sum; } /*!\brief \f$Ai(0)\f$ Constant used in computation of \f$Ai\f$ According to (10.4.4) [1-p446]: \f[ Ai(0) = \frac{1}{3^{2/3} \Gamma(2/3)} \f] */ static const double ai0 = 0.35502805388781723926006318600418317639797917419918; /*!\brief \f$A'i(0)\f$ Constant used in computation of \f$Ai\f$ by definition: \f[ Ai'(0) = - \frac{1}{3^{1/3} \Gamma(\frac{1}{3})} \f] */ static const double aip0 = -0.25881940379280679840518356018920396347909113835493; /*!\brief Compute airy function of first kind \f$Ai\f$ for small argument Compute airy function of first kind \f$Ai\f$ for small argument using the relation (10.4.2) [1-p446]: \f[ Ai=Ai(0) f(z) + A'i(0) g(z) \f] \param[in] z: Where to evaluate \f$Ai\f$ \return \f$Ai(z)\f$ */ static complex cairyAi_smallarg (const complex z) { assert (issmall (z)); /* underflow */ if (norm2 (z) < sqr (DBL_MIN)) { DEBUG ("Underflow\n"); errno = ERANGE; (void) feraiseexcept (FE_UNDERFLOW); return ai0; } return ai0 * f (z) + aip0 * g (z); } /*!\brief Compute scaled airy function of first kind \f$Aie\f$ for small argument Compute the scalled airy function of first kind \f$Aie(z)=e^{\zeta}Ai\f$ where \f$\zeta\f$ is \f$\frac{2}{3}z^\frac{3}{2}\f$ \note Use non scaled version */ static complex cairyAie_smallarg (const complex z) { complex zeta; complex expzeta, nonscaled; zeta = czetafast(z); nonscaled = cairyAi_smallarg(z); expzeta = cexp(zeta); DEBUG("zeta=" fmtc " non scaled=" fmtc " exp(zeta)=" fmtc "\n", cprint(zeta), cprint(nonscaled), cprint(expmzeta)); return nonscaled * expzeta; } /*!\brief Constant used in computation of \f$Bi\f$ According to (10.4.4) [1-p446]: \f[ Bi(0) = \sqrt{3} \left[3^{-2/3} \Gamma(2/3)\right] \f] */ static const double bi0 = 0.61492662744600073515092236909361355359472818864860; /*!\brief Constant used in computation of \f$Bi\f$ According to (10.4.5) [1-p446]: \f[ Bi'(0) = - \sqrt{3} \left[ 3^{-2/3} \Gamma(2/3) \right] \f] */ static const double bip0 = 0.44828835735382635791482371039882839086622679921226; /*!\brief Compute airy function of second kind \f$Bi\f$ for small argument Compute airy function of first kind \f$Bi\f$ for small argument using the relation (10.4.2) [1-p446]: \f[ Bi=Bi(0) f(z) + Bi'(0) f(z) \f] */ static complex cairyBi_smallarg (const complex z) { assert (issmall (z)); /* underflow */ if (norm2 (z) < sqr (DBL_MIN)) { DEBUG ("Underflow\n"); errno = ERANGE; (void) feraiseexcept (FE_UNDERFLOW); return bi0; } return bi0 * f (z) + bip0 * g (z); } /*!\brief Compute scaled airy function of second kind \f$Bie\f$ for small argument Compute the scalled airy function of second kind \f$Bie(z)\f$ is defined as: \f[ Bie(z) = \begin{cases} e^{-\zeta} Bi(z) & \text{$|\arg z| \le \frac{\pi}{3}$} \\ e^{\zeta} Bi(z) & \text{else} \end{cases} \f] where \f$\zeta\f$ is \f$\frac{2}{3}z^\frac{3}{2}\f$ \note Use non scaled version */ static complex cairyBie_smallarg (const complex z) { complex zeta; complex exppmzeta, nonscaled; zeta = czetafast(z); nonscaled = cairyAi_smallarg(z); if(arglargerpi_3(z)) exppmzeta = cexp(-zeta); else exppmzeta = cexp(zeta); DEBUG("zeta=" fmtc " non scaled=" fmtc " exp(zeta)=" fmtc "\n", cprint(zeta), cprint(nonscaled), cprint(exppmzeta)); return nonscaled * exppmzeta; } /*\brief wiegh \todo regenerate these data usign http://www.alglib.net/integral/gq/glaguerre.php */ static double x[25] = { .0283891417994567679, .170985378860034935, .43587167834177046, .823518257913030858, 1.33452543254227372, 1.96968293206435071, 2.72998134002859938, 3.61662161916100897, 4.63102611052654146, 5.77485171830547694, 7.05000568630218682, 8.45866437513237792, 10.0032955242749393, 11.6866845947722423, 13.5119659344693551, 15.482659695937714, 17.6027156808069112, 19.8765656022785451, 22.309185677396278, 24.9061720212974207, 27.673832073949719, 30.6192963295084111, 33.7506560850239946, 37.0771349708391198, 40.6093049694341322 }; static double w[25] = { .143720408803313866, .230407559241880881, .242253045521327626, .203636639103440807, .14376063062292141, .086912883470607812, .0454175001832915883, .0206118031206069497, .00814278821268606972, .00280266075663377634, 8.40337441621719716e-4, 2.1930373290776502e-4, 4.9740165900925776e-5, 9.78508095920717661e-6, 1.66542824603725563e-6, 2.44502736801316287e-7, 3.08537034236207072e-8, 3.33296072940112245e-9, 3.06781892316295828e-10, 2.39331309885375719e-11, 1.57294707710054952e-12, 8.64936011664392267e-14, 3.94819815638647111e-15, 1.48271173082850884e-16, 4.53390377327054458e-18 }; /*!\brief coefficient \f$a(z)\f$ Defined in [5, pp 10] eq (6.3) as : \f[ azcoeff = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}48^{1/6}\Gamma(\frac{5}{6})} \f] */ static const double azcoeff = 0.2621839970883229496786247788550868016857; /*!\brief Compute scaled airy function (\f$Aie\f$) for medium argument and in first quadrant (\f$0 < \arg z < \pi/2\f$) Use integral representation of Airy function [3, pp3] eq (3.3) or [5, pp 8] eq (6.3) \f{align*} Ai(z) &= a(z) \int_0^\infty (2+\frac{t}{\zeta})^{-1/6} t^{-1/6} e^{-t}\;\text{d}t & a(z) &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}48^{1/6}\Gamma(\frac{5}{6})} e^{-\zeta} \zeta^{-1/6} \f} Therefore: \f{align*} AiE(z) &= a(z) \int_0^\infty (2+\frac{t}{\zeta})^{-1/6} t^{-1/6} e^{-t}\;\text{d}t & a(z) &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}48^{1/6}\Gamma(\frac{5}{6})} \zeta^{-1/6} \f} Compute using a Gauss Laguerre quadrature \attention assert \f$0 < \arg z < \pi/2\f$ */ static complex cairyAie_mediumarg_Q1(const complex z) { complex zeta, zetam16; complex az; double t; complex integrand; complex sum; unsigned int k; assert(creal(z) >= 0); assert(cimag(z) >= 0); assert(ismedium(z)); BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(w) == ARRAY_SIZE(x)); zeta = czetafast(z); zetam16 = cpow(zeta, - 1.0 / 6.0); /* here az is az scaled ie without \f$e^{-\zeta}\f$ */ az = azcoeff * zetam16; sum = 0; for(k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE(x); k++) { t = x[k]; integrand = cpow( 2 + t/zeta, -1.0 /6.0); sum += integrand * w[k]; } return sum * az; } /*!\brief Compute scaled airy function (\f$Aie\f$) for medium argument and in second quadrant (\f$\pi/3 \ge \arg z > \pi/2\f$) Use integral representation of Airy function [3, pp3] eq (3.3) or [5, pp 8] eq (6.3) \f{align*} Ai(z) &= a(z) \int_0^\infty (2+\frac{t}{\zeta})^{-1/6} t^{-1/6} e^{-t}\;\text{d}t & a(z) &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}48^{1/6}\Gamma(\frac{5}{6})} e^{-\zeta} \zeta^{-1/6} \f} But this representation is not numerically stable for \f$\pi/3 \ge \arg z > \pi/2\f$ The reason (see [5, pp9] is the presence of singularities in the integrand at \f$t=-2\zeta\f$. This problem could be solved by turning the integration path over a given angle \f$\tau=\frac{3}{2}(\arg z -\frac{\pi}{2})\f$, that can be done using the substituation \f$t\rightarrow (t+i\tan \tau)\f$. Therefore: \f{align*} Ai(z) &= a(z) \left(\frac{e^{i\tau}}{\cos \tau}\right)^{5/6} \int_0^\infty (2+\frac{t}{\tilde{\zeta}})^{-1/6} e^{-it\tan\tau} t^{-1/6} e^{-t}\;\text{d}t & a(z) &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}48^{1/6}\Gamma(\frac{5}{6})} e^{-\zeta} \zeta^{-1/6} \f} Where \f$\tilde\zeta=\cos \tau e^{-i\tau} \zeta\f$ Therefore: \f{align*} Aie(z) &= a(z) \left(\frac{e^{i\tau}}{\cos \tau}\right)^{5/6} \int_0^\infty (2+\frac{t}{\zeta})^{-1/6} e^{-it\tan\tau} t^{-1/6} e^{-t}\;\text{d}t & a(z) &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}48^{1/6}\Gamma(\frac{5}{6})} \zeta^{-1/6} \f} Compute using a Gauss Laguerre quadrature \attention assert \f$0 < \arg z < \pi/2\f$ */ static complex cairyAie_mediumarg_Q2(const complex z) { complex zeta, zetam16 ,zetatilde; double tau; complex eitaucostau16; complex az; double t; complex integrand; complex sum; unsigned int k; assert(cimag(z) >= 0); assert(ismedium(z)); assert(creal(z) <= 0 && !arglargerpi2_3(z)); BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(w) == ARRAY_SIZE(x)); tau = 3.0 / 2.0 * (carg(z) - M_PI_2); eitaucostau16 = cpow(cexp(I * tau)/cos(tau), 5.0 / 6.0); zeta = czetafast(z); zetam16 = cpow(zeta, - 1.0 / 6.0); zetatilde = cos(tau) * cexp(-I * tau) * zeta; /* here az is az scaled ie without \f$e^{-\zeta}\f$ */ az = azcoeff * zetam16; sum = 0; for(k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE(x); k++) { t = x[k]; integrand = cpow( 2 + t/zetatilde, -1.0 /6.0); integrand *= cexp(-I * t * tan(tau)); sum += integrand * w[k]; } return sum * az * eitaucostau16; } /*!\brief Compute scaled Airy function of first kind in region I ie \f$|\arg z|< 2\pi/3\f$ */ static complex cairyAie_mediumarg_regionI(const complex z) { assert(cimag(z) >= 0); assert(isregionI(z)); assert(ismedium(z)); if(creal(z) > 0) return cairyAie_mediumarg_Q1(z); return cairyAie_mediumarg_Q2(z); } /*!\brief Compute scaled airy Ai function of first kind (\f$Aie\f$) in upper region II upper complex plane (\f$\frac{2\pi}{3} \le \arg z \le \pi\f$) This function use connexion formula given by [3] eq (7.1) for \f$\frac{2\pi}{3} \le \arg z \le \pi \f$ The connexion formula is (see [3, pp 10] eq (7.1)) for \f$\frac{2\pi}{3} \le \arg z \le \pi \f$: \f[ Aie(z)=-e^{-\frac{2\pi i }{3}} e^{\frac{4}{3}z^\frac{3}{2}} Aie\left(e^{-\frac{2\pi i }{3}}z\right) -e^{\frac{2\pi i }{3}} Aie\left(e^{\frac{2\pi i }{3}}z\right) \f] \attention assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ \note Because we assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ then \f$-\frac{\pi}{3} \le \arg e^{\frac{2\pi i }{3}} \le 0\f$ we could therefore use the mirror property of scaled Airy function. \note Because we assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ then \f$0 \le \arg e^{-\frac{2\pi i }{3}} \le \frac{\pi}{3}\f$ */ static complex cairyAie_mediumarg_regionII(const complex z) { complex exp_43z32; complex ze2pi_3, zem2pi_3; complex Aizem2pi_3, Aize2pi_3; complex first, second; assert(cimag(z) >= 0); assert(ismedium(z)); assert(isregionII(z)); exp_43z32 = cexp_43z32(z); ze2pi_3 = z * M_EXP_I_2PI_3; zem2pi_3 = z * M_EXP_MI_2PI_3; /* quick test */ assert(cimag(ze2pi_3) <= 0); assert(cimag(zem2pi_3) >= 0); /* Use reflexion property */ Aize2pi_3 = conj(cairyAie_mediumarg_regionI(conj(ze2pi_3))); Aizem2pi_3 = cairyAie_mediumarg_regionI(zem2pi_3); first = - exp_43z32 * M_EXP_MI_2PI_3 * Aizem2pi_3; second = M_EXP_I_2PI_3 * Aize2pi_3; return first - second; } /*!\brief Compute scaled airy Ai function of first kind (\f$Aie\f$) in upper complex plane (\f$\Im\text{m}\; z > 0\f$) This function use integral representation in upper region I (\f$0 \le \arg z < \frac{2\pi}{3}\f$) and connexion formula given by [3] eq (7.1) for \f$\frac{2\pi}{3} \le \arg z \le \pi \f$ \attention assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ */ static complex cairyAie_mediumarg(const complex z) { assert(cimag(z) >= 0); assert(ismedium(z)); DEBUG("z= " fmtc "arg=%e (%e°) norm2(z)=%e cabs(z)=%e\n", cprint(z), carg(z), carg(z) * 180 / M_PI, norm2(z), cabs(z)); /* region I */ if(!arglargerpi2_3(z)) { DEBUG("z is in region I\n"); return cairyAie_mediumarg_regionI(z); } /* Region II */ DEBUG("z is in region II\n"); return cairyAie_mediumarg_regionII(z); } /*!\brief Compute airy function of first kind (\f$Ai\f$) in upper complex plane (\f$\Im\text{m}\; z > 0\f$) \attention assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ */ static complex cairyAi_mediumarg(const complex z) { complex zeta; complex expmzeta, scaled; assert(ismedium(z)); zeta = czetafast(z); scaled = cairyAie_mediumarg(z); expmzeta = cexp(-zeta); return scaled * expmzeta; } /*!\brief Computed \f$(-1)^k c_k\f$ coefficient of large argument expansion According to (10.4.58) [1-p448] \f$c_k\f$ is defined by: \f{align*} c_1 &= 1 \\ c_k &= \frac{\Gamma(3k+\frac{1}{2})}{54^k k! \Gamma(k + \frac{1}{2})} = \frac{(2k + 1)(2k + 3)\dotsm(6k-1)}{216^k k!} \f} \note Use a table of 37 coefficient as recommended by [2] */ static const double m1kck[] = { /*-(3*5)/(216^1*1!)*/ -0.6944444444444444444444444444444444444444e-1, /*+(5*7*9*11)/(216^2*2!)*/ +0.3713348765432098765432098765432098765432e-1, /*-(7*9*11*13*15*17)/(216^3*3!)*/ -0.3799305912780064014631915866483767718336e-1, /*+(9*11*13*15*17*19*21*23)/(216^4*4!)*/ +0.576491904126697213331301122796321698928e-1, /*-(11*13*15*17*19*21*23*25*27*29)/(216^5*5!)*/ -0.1160990640255154110181092538964814532563e0, /*+(13*15*17*19*21*23*25*27*29*...*35)/(216^6*6!)*/ +0.2915913992307505114690938436983388351461e0, /*-(15*17*19*21*23*25*27*29*31*...*41)/(216^7*7!)*/ -0.877666969510016916465506668433293676422e0, /*+(17*19*21*23*25*27*29*31*33*...*47)/(216^8*8!)*/ +0.3079453030173166993362480862680011319529e1, /*-(19*21*23*25*27*29*31*33*35*...*53)/(216^9*9!)*/ -0.1234157333234523870642339938330245277287e2, /*+(21*23*25*27*29*31*33*35*37*...*59)/(216^(10)*10!)*/ +0.5562278536591708278103323749835619339993e2, /*-(23*25*27*29*31*33*35*37*39*...*65)/(216^(11)*11!)*/ -0.2784650807776025672055514983345736197358e3, /*+(25*27*29*31*33*35*37*39*41*...*71)/(216^(12)*12!)*/ +0.1533169432012795615968528330529591098476e4, /*-(27*29*31*33*35*37*39*41*43*...*77)/(216^(13)*13!)*/ -0.9207206599726414698033224087507298680056e4, /*+(29*31*33*35*37*39*41*43*45*...*83)/(216^(14)*14!)*/ +0.5989251356587906862599588327558071175112e5, /*-(31*33*35*37*39*41*43*45*47*...*89)/(216^(15)*15!)*/ -0.419524875116551068662647089796081559627e6, /*+(33*35*37*39*41*43*45*47*49*...*95)/(216^(16)*16!)*/ +0.3148257417866826378983145912575629412305e7, /*-(35*37*39*41*43*45*47*49*51*...*101)/(216^(17)*17!)*/ -0.2519891987160236767557016381168581809833e8, /*+(37*39*41*43*45*47*49*51*53*...*107)/(216^(18)*18!)*/ +0.2142880369636803195620823884016893528254e9, /*-(39*41*43*45*47*49*51*53*55*...*113)/(216^(19)*19!)*/ -0.1929375549182493052665328054052344852887e10, /*+(41*43*45*47*49*51*53*55*57*...*119)/(216^(20)*20!)*/ +0.1833576693789056765675348223590718007761e11, /*-(*43*45*47*49*51*53*55*57*59...*123)/(216^(21)*21!)*/ -0.1834183035288325633653415468373651446256e12, /*+(*45*47*49*51*53*55*57*59*61*...*129)/(216^(22)*22!)*/ +0.1926471158970446563579032395664926711576e13, /*-(*47*49*51*53*55*57*59*61*63*...*135)/(216^(23)*23!)*/ -0.2119699938864764905493571816510303720509e14, /*+(*49*51*53*55*57*59*61*63*65*...*141)/(216^(24)*24!)*/ +0.2438268268797160418199984201202274713689e15, /*-(*51*53*55*57*59*61*63*65*67*...*147)/(216^(25)*25!)*/ -0.2926599219297925046400592148165285843848e16, /*+(*53*55*57*59*61*63*65*67*69*...*153)/(216^(26)*26!)*/ +0.3659030701264312805075099317724813844832e17, /*-(*55*57*59*61*63*65*67*69*71*...*159)/(216^(27)*27!)*/ -0.4757681020363067632401403572743318907192e18, /*+(*57*59*61*63*65*67*69*71*73*...*165)/(216^(28)*28!)*/ +0.6424049357901937699484057869724498212931e19, /*-(*59*61*63*65*67*69*71*73*75*...*171)/(216^(29)*29!)*/ -0.8995207427058378952098438694307239188288e20, /*+(*61*63*65*67*69*71*73*75*77*...*177)/(216^(30)*30!)*/ +0.130451329931760981793742403749617716469e22, /*-(*63*65*67*69*71*73*75*77*79*...*183)/(216^(31)*31!)*/ -0.1957062178658161503299043185284923492816e23, /*+(*65*67*69*71*73*75*77*79*81*...*189)/(216^(32)*32!)*/ +0.3033871086594338299189753708716215815665e24, /*-(*67*69*71*73*75*77*79*81*83*...*195)/(216^(33)*33!)*/ -0.4854832179436167359995522969659058986843e25, /*+(*69*71*73*75*77*79*81*83*85*...*201)/(216^(34)*34!)*/ +0.8011464687609593661835749240413276384457e26, /*-(*71*73*75*77*79*81*83*85*87*...*207)/(216^(35)*35!)*/ -0.1362107954526321589052986810339312804334e28, /*+(*73*75*77*79*81*83*85*87*89*...*213)/(216^(36)*36!)*/ +0.2383951672727105666951726336845791873788e29, /*-(*75*77*79*81*83*85*87*89*91*...*219)/(216^(37)*37!)*/ -0.4291560449285803546171319066670932465888e30, }; /*!\brief Constant \f$\frac{1}{2} \pi^{-\frac{1}{2}}\f$ */ static const double halfinversesquarerootpi = 0.282094791773878143474039725780386292922e0; /*!\brief Compute scalled airy function of first kind (\f$e^{\zeta}Ai\f$) in upper region I (\f$0 < \arg z < \frac{2\pi}{3}\f$) Compute the scalled airy function of first kind (\f$e^{\zeta}Ai\f$) where \f$\zeta\f$ is \f$\frac{2}{3}z^\frac{3}{2}\f$ For large argument according to (10.4.59) [1-p448] \f$|z|\f$ \f$A_i\f$ could be approximated by (\f$|\arg z| < \pi\f$): \f[ Ai = \frac{1}{2} \pi^\frac{-1}{2} z^{-1}{4} e^{-\zeta} \sum_0^\infty (-1)^k c_k \zeta^{-k} \f] and c_k defined by (10.4.58) [1-p448]: \f{align*} c_1 &= 1 \\ c_k &= \frac{\Gamma(3k+\frac{1}{2})}{54^k k! \Gamma(k + \frac{1}{2})} = \frac{(2k + 1)(2k + 3)\dotsm(6k-1)}{216^k k!} \f} Therefore scaled \f$Ai\f$ is defined by: \f[ Ai = \frac{1}{2} \pi^\frac{-1}{2} z^{-1}{4} \sum_0^\infty (-1)^k c_k \zeta^{-k} \f] According to [2, pp 475-476] this expansion is valid in region I, ie (\f$|\arg z| < \frac{2\pi}{3}\f$) and \f$|z| > \rho\f$ where \f$\rho \f$ is defined in [2, tab I pp 480]. \attention assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ \attention Computation are only valid for region I ie \f$|\arg z| < \frac{2\pi}{3}\f$ (asserted) */ static complex cairyAie_largearg_regionI(const complex z) { complex z1_4; complex z32; complex coeff; complex invzeta; complex zmk; complex sum; complex aik; unsigned int k; assert(islarge(z)); assert(cimag(z) >= 0); assert(isregionI(z)); /* z1_4 = z^(1/4) */ z1_4 = cz1_4(z); /* coeff = 1/2 * sqrt(pi) * z^(-1/4) */ coeff = halfinversesquarerootpi / z1_4; DEBUG("constant=%e coeff=" fmtc " z^1/4=" fmtc "\n", halfinversesquarerootpi, cprint(coeff), cprint(z1_4)); /* underflow */ if(cabs(z) > DBL_MAX_POW_2_3) goto overflow; /* overflow is avoided because |z| < DBL_MAX^(2/3) */ z32 = cpow32fast(z); invzeta = (3 / 2.0) / z32; sum = 1; zmk = 1; for ( k = 0 ; k < ARRAY_SIZE(m1kck) ; k++) { zmk *= invzeta; aik = zmk * m1kck[k]; if (norm2 (aik) < norm2 (sum) * sqr (DBL_EPSILON) || norm2 (aik) < DBL_MIN) return coeff * sum; sum += aik; DEBUG("zmk=" fmtc " aik=" fmtc " sum=" fmtc "\n", cprint(zmk), cprint(aik), cprint(sum)); } /* Do not converge */ assert (0 && sizeof ("large expansion do not converge!")); errno = ERANGE; (void) feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID); return coeff * sum; overflow: return coeff; } /*!\brief Compute scaled airy Ai function of first kind (\f$e^{\zeta}Ai\f$) in upper region II upper complex plane (\f$\frac{2\pi}{3} \le \arg z \le \pi\f$) This function use connexion formula given by [3] eq (7.1) for \f$\frac{2\pi}{3} \le \arg z \le \pi \f$ The connexion formula is (see [3, pp 10] eq (7.1)) for \f$\frac{2\pi}{3} \le \arg z \le \pi \f$: \f[ Ai_\text{scalled}(z)=-e^{-\frac{2\pi i }{3}} e^{\frac{4}{3}z^\frac{3}{2}} Ai_\text{scalled}\left(e^{-\frac{2\pi i }{3}}z\right) -e^{\frac{2\pi i }{3}} Ai_\text{scalled}\left(e^{\frac{2\pi i }{3}}z\right) \f] \attention assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ \note Because we assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ then \f$-\frac{\pi}{3} \le \arg e^{\frac{2\pi i }{3}} \le 0\f$ we could therefore use the mirror property of scaled Airy function. \note Because we assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ then \f$0 \le \arg e^{-\frac{2\pi i }{3}} \le \frac{\pi}{3}\f$ */ static complex cairyAie_largearg_regionII(const complex z) { complex exp_43z32; complex ze2pi_3, zem2pi_3; complex Aizem2pi_3, Aize2pi_3; complex first, second; assert(cimag(z) >= 0); assert(islarge(z)); assert(isregionII(z)); DEBUG("z= " efmtc " arg=%e (%e°) norm2(z)=%e cabs(z)=%e\n", cprint(z), carg(z), carg(z) * 180 / M_PI, norm2(z), cabs(z)); exp_43z32 = cexp_43z32(z); DEBUG("exp(3/4 z^(3/2))=" fmtc "\n", cprint(exp_z32)); ze2pi_3 = z * M_EXP_I_2PI_3; zem2pi_3 = z * M_EXP_MI_2PI_3; DEBUG("z e^(2pi/3)= " fmtc " z e^(-2pi/3)=" fmtc "\n", cprint(ze2pi_3), cprint(zem2pi_3)); /* quick test */ assert(cimag(ze2pi_3) <= 0); assert(cimag(zem2pi_3) >= 0); /* Use reflexion property */ Aize2pi_3 = conj(cairyAie_largearg_regionI(conj(ze2pi_3))); Aizem2pi_3 = cairyAie_largearg_regionI(zem2pi_3); DEBUG("Ai(z e^(2pi/3))= " fmtc " Ai(z e^(-2pi/3))=" fmtc "\n", cprint(Aize2pi_3), cprint(Aizem2pi_3)); first = - exp_43z32 * M_EXP_MI_2PI_3 * Aizem2pi_3; second = M_EXP_I_2PI_3 * Aize2pi_3; DEBUG("first=" fmtc " second=" fmtc " total=" fmtc "\n", cprint(first), cprint(second), cprint(first - second)); return first - second; } /*!\brief Compute scaled airy Ai function of first kind (\f$e^{\zeta}Ai\f$) in upper complex plane (\f$\Im\text{m}\; z > 0\f$) This function use the asymtotic expansion in upper region I (\f$0 \le \arg z < \frac{2\pi}{3}\f$) and connexion formula given by [3] eq (7.1) for \f$\frac{2\pi}{3} \le \arg z \le \pi \f$ \attention assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ */ static complex cairyAie_largearg(const complex z) { assert(cimag(z) >= 0); assert(islarge(z)); DEBUG("z= " fmtc "arg=%e (%e°) norm2(z)=%e cabs(z)=%e\n", cprint(z), carg(z), carg(z) * 180 / M_PI, norm2(z), cabs(z)); /* region I */ if(!arglargerpi2_3(z)) { DEBUG("z is in region I\n"); return cairyAie_largearg_regionI(z); } /* Region II */ DEBUG("z is in region II\n"); return cairyAie_largearg_regionII(z); } /*!\brief Compute airy function of first kind (\f$Ai\f$) in upper complex plane (\f$\Im\text{m}\; z > 0\f$) \attention assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ */ static complex cairyAi_largearg(const complex z) { complex zeta; complex expmzeta, scaled; // assert(islarge(z)); zeta = czetafast(z); scaled = cairyAie_largearg(z); expmzeta = cexp(-zeta); return scaled * expmzeta; } /*!\brief Compute scaled airy function of second kind (\f$Bie(z)\f$) in upper region A (\f$0 \le \arg z < \frac{\pi}{3}\f$) Use the connection formula given in [5, pp3] eq (2.5), in region A: \f[ Bie(z)=i e^{-2\zeta} Aie(z) + 2 e^{-i\frac{\pi}{6}} Aie(e^{-\frac{2\pi}{3}}z) \f] Where \f$\zeta\f$ is \f$\frac{2}{3}z^\frac{3}{2}\f$. The previous equation could be simplified using reflexion properties: \f[ Bie(z)=i \overline{e^{\frac{4}{3} z^\frac{3}{2}}} Aie(z) + 2 e^{-i\frac{\pi}{6}} \overline{Aie(\overline{e^{-2\frac{\pi}{3}}z})} \f] \attention assert z in upper region A */ static complex cairyBie_regionA(const complex z) { complex exp_m43z32; complex Aiz, Aiem2pi3z; complex first, second; assert (cimag(z) >= 0); assert (isregionA(z)); exp_m43z32 = cexp(-(4.0/3.0) * cpow32(z)); Aiz = cairyAie(z); Aiem2pi3z = conj(cairyAie(conj(M_EXP_MI_2PI_3*z))); first = I * exp_m43z32 * Aiz; second = 2 * M_EXP_MI_PI_6 * Aiem2pi3z; return first + second; } /*!\brief Compute scalled airy function of second kind (\f$Bie(z)\f$) in upper region B (\f$\frac{\pi}{3} \le \arg z < \frac{2\pi}{3}\f$) Use the connection formula given in [5, pp3] eq (2.5), in region B: \f[ Bie(z)=i Aie(z) + 2 e^{-i\frac{\pi}{6}} e^{2\zeta} Aie(e^{-\frac{2\pi}{3}}z) \f] Where \f$\zeta\f$ is \f$\frac{2}{3}z^\frac{3}{2}\f$. The previous equation could be simplified using reflexion properties: \f[ Bie(z)=i Aie(z) + 2 e^{-i\frac{\pi}{6}} e^{\frac{4}{3} z^\frac{3}{2}} \overline{Aie(\overline{e^{-2\frac{\pi}{3}}z})} \f] \attention assert z in upper region B \todo Use Aie Bie always */ static complex cairyBie_regionB(const complex z) { complex exp_43z32; complex Aiz, Aiem2pi3z; complex first, second; assert (cimag(z) >= 0); assert (isregionB(z)); exp_43z32 = cexp_43z32(z); Aiz = cairyAie(z); Aiem2pi3z = conj(cairyAie(conj(M_EXP_MI_2PI_3*z))); first = I * Aiz; second = 2 * M_EXP_MI_PI_6 * exp_43z32 * Aiem2pi3z; return first + second; } /*!\brief Compute scalled airy function of second kind (\f$Bie(z)\f$) in upper region C (\f$\frac{2\pi}{3} \le \arg z \le \pi\f$) Use the connection formula given in [5, pp3] eq (2.5), in region C: \f[ Bie(z)=e^{i\frac{\pi}{6}} Aie(z e^{i\frac{2\pi}{3}}) + 2 e^{-i\frac{\pi}{6}} e^{2\zeta} Aie(e^{-\frac{2\pi}{3}}z) \f] Where \f$\zeta\f$ is \f$\frac{2}{3}z^\frac{3}{2}\f$. The previous equation could be simplified using reflexion properties: \f[ Bie(z)=e^{i\frac{\pi}{6}} \overline{Aie(\overline{z e^{i\frac{2\pi}{3}}})} + e^{-i\frac{\pi}{6}} e^{\frac{4}{3} z^\frac{3}{2}} Aie(e^{-2\frac{\pi}{3}}z) \f] \attention assert z in upper region C */ static complex cairyBie_regionC(const complex z) { complex exp_43z32; complex Aie2pi3z, Aiem2pi3z; complex z2pi3, zm2pi3; complex first, second; assert (cimag(z) >= 0); assert (isregionC(z)); exp_43z32 = cexp_43z32(z); z2pi3 = M_EXP_I_2PI_3*z; zm2pi3 = M_EXP_MI_2PI_3*z; /* quick test */ assert(cimag(z2pi3) <= 0); assert(cimag(zm2pi3) >= 0); Aie2pi3z = conj(cairyAie(conj(z2pi3))); Aiem2pi3z = cairyAie(zm2pi3); first = M_EXP_I_PI_6 * Aie2pi3z; second = M_EXP_MI_PI_6 * exp_43z32 * Aiem2pi3z; return first + second; } /*!\brief Compute scalled airy function of second kind (\f$Bie(z)\f$) for large argument or medium argument \f$Bie(z)\f$ is defined as ([5, pp3] eq (2.4)): \f[ Bie(z) = \begin{cases} e^{-\zeta} Bi(z) & \text{$|\arg z| \le \frac{\pi}{3}$} \\ e^{\zeta} Bi(z) & \text{else} \end{cases} \f] \note assert z in upper plane */ static complex cairyBie_largemediumarg(const complex z) { assert(cimag(z) > 0); assert(islarge(z) || ismedium(z)); if(!arglargerpi_3(z)) return cairyBie_regionA(z); if(!arglargerpi2_3(z)) return cairyBie_regionB(z); return cairyBie_regionC(z); } /*!\brief Compute airy function of second kind (\f$e^{\zeta}Bi\f$) for large argument using scaled version */ static complex cairyBi_largemediumarg(const complex z) { complex zeta; complex exppmzeta; complex scalled; assert(islarge(z) || ismedium(z)); assert (cimag(z) >= 0); zeta = czeta(z); scalled = cairyBie_largemediumarg(z); if(!arglargerpi_3(z)) exppmzeta = cexp(zeta); else exppmzeta = cexp(-zeta); DEBUG("zeta=" fmtc " scalled=" fmtc " exp(-zeta)=" fmtc "\n", cprint(zeta), cprint(scalled), cprint(exppmzeta)); return scalled * exppmzeta; } /*!\brief Test in order to use serie representation */ static inline bool use_small (const complex z) { double x, y; x = creal (z); y = cimag (z); return fabs (y) <= MAX_IMAG_SMALL && x >= MIN_REAL_SMALL && x <= MAX_REAL_SMALL; } /*!\brief Compute the Airy function of first kind (\f$Ai\f$) Airy function of first kind [4] is one of the two independant solution (with \f$Bi\f$) of the following differential equation: \f[ y''-yz=0. \f] \f$Ai\f$ could be written: \f[ Ai(z)=\frac{1}{3^{2/3}\Gamma(\frac{2}{3})}\leftidx{_0}{F}{_1}(;\frac{2}{3};\frac{1}{9}z^3) -\frac{z}{3^(1/3)\Gamma(\frac{1}{3})}\leftidx{_0}{F}{_1}(;\frac{4}{3};\frac{1}{9} z^3) \f] where \f$\leftidx{_0}{F_1}(;a;z)\f$ is a confluent hypergeometric limit function. Another equivalent definition is: \f[ Ai(z) = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{\infty e^{-i\frac{\pi}{3}}}^{\infty e^{i\frac{\pi}{3}}} \exp(\frac{1}{3} t^3-zt) \;\text{d}t \f] */ complex cairyAi (const complex z) { /* mirror symetry */ if(cimag(z) < 0.0) return conj(cairyAi(conj(z))); /* after this point Im z > 0 */ /* small */ if (use_small (z)) return cairyAi_smallarg (z); /* large */ if (norm2(z) > sqr(AIRY_LARGE)) return cairyAi_largearg(z); /* medium */ return cairyAi_mediumarg(z); } /*!\brief Compute the scales Airy function of first kind (\f$e^\zeta Ai(z)\f$) Compute the scalled airy function of first kind (\f$e^{\zeta}Ai\f$) where \f$\zeta\f$ is \f$\frac{2}{3}z^\frac{3}{2}\f$ Airy function of first kind [4] is one of the two independant solution (with \f$Bi\f$) of the following differential equation: \f[ y''-yz=0. \f] \f$Ai\f$ could be written: \f[ Ai(z)=\frac{1}{3^{2/3}\Gamma(\frac{2}{3})}\leftidx{_0}{F}{_1}(;\frac{2}{3};\frac{1}{9}z^3) -\frac{z}{3^(1/3)\Gamma(\frac{1}{3})}\leftidx{_0}{F}{_1}(;\frac{4}{3};\frac{1}{9} z^3) \f] where \f$\leftidx{_0}{F_1}(;a;z)\f$ is a confluent hypergeometric limit function. Another equivalent definition is: \f[ Ai(z) = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{\infty e^{-i\frac{\pi}{3}}}^{\infty e^{i\frac{\pi}{3}}} \exp(\frac{1}{3}t^3-zt) \;\text{d}t \f] */ complex cairyAie(const complex z) { /* mirror symetry */ if(cimag(z) < 0.0) return conj(cairyAie(conj(z))); /* after this point Im z > 0 */ /* small */ if (use_small (z)) return cairyAie_smallarg(z); /* large */ if (norm2(z) > sqr(AIRY_LARGE)) return cairyAie_largearg(z); /* medium */ return cairyAie_mediumarg(z); } /*!\brief Compute the Airy function of second kind (\f$Bi\f$) Airy function of second kind [4] is one of the two independant solution (with \f$Ai\f$) of the following differential equation: \f[ y''-yz=0. \f] \f$Bi\f$ could be written: \f[ Bi(z)=\frac{1}{3^{1/6}\Gamma(\frac{2}{3})}\leftidx{_0}{F}{_1}(;\frac{2}{3};\frac{1}{9}z^3) + \frac{3^{1/6} z}{\Gamma(\frac{1}{3})}\leftidx{_0}{F}{_1}(;\frac{4}{3};\frac{1}{9} z^3) \f] where \f$\leftidx{_0}{F_1}(;a;z)\f$ is a confluent hypergeometric limit function. Another equivalent definition is: \f[ Bi(z) = -\frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{\infty e^{-i\frac{\pi}{3}}}^{\infty e^{i\frac{\pi}{3}}} t\exp(\frac{1}{3} t^3-zt) \;\text{d}t \f] */ complex cairyBi (const complex z) { /* mirror symetry */ if(cimag(z) < 0.0) return conj(cairyBi(conj(z))); /* after this point Im z > 0 */ /* small */ if (use_small (z)) return cairyBi_smallarg (z); return cairyBi_largemediumarg(z); } /*!\brief Compute the scaled Airy function of second kind (\f$Bie(z)\f$) \f$Bie(z)\f$ is defined as ([5, pp3] eq (2.4)): \f[ Bie(z) = \begin{cases} e^{-\zeta} Bi(z) & \text{$|\arg z| \le \frac{\pi}{3}$} \\ e^{\zeta} Bi(z) & \text{else} \end{cases} \f] Airy function of second kind [4] is one of the two independant solution (with \f$Ai\f$) of the following differential equation: \f[ y''-yz=0. \f] \f$Bi\f$ could be written: \f[ Bi(z)=\frac{1}{3^{1/6}\Gamma(\frac{2}{3})}\leftidx{_0}{F}{_1}(;\frac{2}{3};\frac{1}{9}z^3) + \frac{3^{1/6} z}{\Gamma(\frac{1}{3})}\leftidx{_0}{F}{_1}(;\frac{4}{3};\frac{1}{9} z^3) \f] where \f$\leftidx{_0}{F_1}(;a;z)\f$ is a confluent hypergeometric limit function. Another equivalent definition is: \f[ Bi(z) = -\frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{\infty e^{-i\frac{\pi}{3}}}^{\infty e^{i\frac{\pi}{3}}} t\exp(\frac{1}{3} t^3-zt) \;\text{d}t \f] */ complex cairyBie(const complex z) { /* mirror symetry */ if(cimag(z) < 0.0) return conj(cairyBie(conj(z))); /* after this point Im z > 0 */ /* small */ if (use_small (z)) return cairyBie_smallarg(z); return cairyBie_largemediumarg(z); } /*!\brief Coefficient used in auxiliary function \f$f'\f$ Auxiliary function could be computed from is defined as using [6]: is: \f[ f'(z)=1+\frac{2}{3!} z^3 + \frac{2\times5}{6!} z^6 + \frac{2\times4\times7}{9!} z^9 + \dotsb \f] Therefore coefficient are \f$\frac{2}{3!}\f$, \f$\frac{2\times5}{6!}\f$, etc */ static const double fpcoeff[] = { /*(2)/3! */ 0.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333e0, /*(2*5)/6! */ 0.1388888888888888888888888888888888888889e-1, /*(2*5*8)/9! */ 0.2204585537918871252204585537918871252205e-3, /*(2*5*8*11)/12! */ 0.1837154614932392710170487948265726043504e-5, /*(2*5*8*11*14)/15! */ 0.9421305717602013898310194606490902787199e-8, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17)/18! */ 0.3271286707500699270246595349476007912222e-10, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20)/21! */ 0.8198713552633331504377431953573954667223e-13, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23)/24! */ 0.1552786657695706724313907566964764141519e-15, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26)/27! */ 0.2300424678067713665650233432540391320769e-18, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29)/30! */ 0.2738600807223468649583611229214751572345e-21, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32)/33! */ 0.2677029137070839344656511465508066053123e-24, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35)/36! */ 0.2187115308064411229294535511036001677388e-27, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*35*38)/39! */ 0.151567242416106114296225607140402056645e-30, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*41)/42! */ 0.9021859667625363946203905186928693847919e-34, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*44)/45! */ 0.4662459776550575682792715858877877957581e-37, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*47)/48! */ 0.2111621275611673769380758994057009944557e-40, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*50)/51! */ 0.8449865048466081510127086810952420746525e-44, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*53)/54! */ 0.3009211199596182873976882767433198271555e-47, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*56)/57! */ 0.9598759807324347285412704202338750467479e-51, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*59)/60! */ 0.2758264312449525082015144885729525996402e-54, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*62)/63! */ 0.7177372657948282805139591167654244070783e-58, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*65)/66! */ 0.1699188602733968467125850181736326721303e-61, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*68)/69! */ 0.3675510713246741222422345190863782654776e-65, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*71)/72! */ 0.7292679986600677028615764267586870346777e-69, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*74)/75! */ 0.1331996344584598544039408998646003716306e-72, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*77)/78! */ 0.2246957396397770823278355260873825432365e-76, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*80)/81! */ 0.3511419591182639198747234350482615146688e-80, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*83)/84! */ 0.5097879778139720091096449405462565543972e-84, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*86)/87! */ 0.6893684622230858811489451528685010877582e-88, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*89)/90! */ 0.8704147250291488398345267081672993532301e-92, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*92)/93! */ 0.1028494298746483327229737336839536043046e-95, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*95)/96! */ 0.1139732157298851204820187651639556785291e-99, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*98)/99! */ 0.1186850106528013334187428565697757768708e-103, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*101)/102! */ 0.1163578535811777778615126044801723302655e-107, /*(2*5*8*11*14*17*20*23*26*29*32*...*104)/105! */ 0.1075893236996558278885923296164330376935e-111 }; /*!\brief Auxiliary function \f$f'\f$ Auxiliary \f$f'\f$ function could be computed from is defined as using [6]: is: \f[ f'(z)=1+\frac{2}{3!} z^3 + \frac{2\times5}{6!} z^6 + \frac{2\times4\times7}{9!} z^9 + \dotsb \f] \param[in] z complex number \return f(z) */ static complex fp (const complex z) { unsigned int k; complex sum; complex fpk; complex z3; complex z3n = 1; z3 = z * z * z; /* f_0 = 1 */ fpk = 1; sum = 1; for (k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE (fpcoeff); k++) { z3n *= z3; fpk = z3n * fpcoeff[k]; if (norm2 (fpk) < norm2 (sum) * sqr (DBL_EPSILON) || norm2 (fpk) < DBL_MIN) return sum; sum += fpk; DEBUG ("fpcoeff=%.8e fpk=" fmtc " sum=" fmtc "\n", fpcoeff[k], creal (fpk), cimag (fpk), creal (sum), cimag (sum)); } /* Do not converge */ assert (0 && sizeof ("f do not converge!")); errno = ERANGE; (void) feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID); return sum; } /*!\brief Coefficient used in auxiliary function \f$f'\f$ Auxiliary function could be computed from is defined as using [6]: is: \f[ g'(z)=\frac{1}{2!}z^2 +\frac{1\times4}{5!} z^5 + \frac{1\times4\times7}{8!} z^8 + \dotsb \f] Therefore coefficient are \f$\frac{1\times4}{5!}\f$, \f$\frac{1\times4\times7}{8!}\f$, etc */ static const double gpcoeff[] = { /*(1*4)/5! */ 0.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333e-1, /*(1*4*7)/8! */ 0.6944444444444444444444444444444444444444e-3, /*(1*4*7*10)/11! */ 0.7014590347923681257014590347923681257015e-5, /*(1*4*7*10*13)/14! */ 0.4175351397573619795842018064240286462509e-7, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16)/17! */ 0.1637392704930831292487065907545210377454e-9, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19)/20! */ 0.4548313069252309145797405298736695492929e-12, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22)/23! */ 0.9416797244828797403307257347280943049542e-15, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25)/26! */ 0.1509102122568717532581291241551433181016e-17, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28)/29! */ 0.1927333489870648189758992645659557063878e-20, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31)/32! */ 0.2007639051948591864332284005895371941539e-23, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34)/35! */ 0.1738215629392720228859120351424564451549e-26, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*34*37)/38! */ 0.1270625460082397828113392069754798575694e-29, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*40)/41! */ 0.794637561027140605449275840997372467601e-33, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*43)/44! */ 0.4299986802094916696154090048687080452386e-36, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*46)/47! */ 0.2033090686569700565557489384722023854556e-39, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*49)/50! */ 0.8471211194040419023156205769675099393984e-43, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*52)/53! */ 0.313400340142079875070521856073810558416e-46, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*55)/56! */ 0.1036376786184126571000402963207045497407e-49, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*58)/59! */ 0.3081703200071741216177231529012921490952e-53, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*61)/62! */ 0.8284148387289626925207611637131509384278e-57, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*64)/65! */ 0.202299105916718606232176108354859814024e-60, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*67)/68! */ 0.4507555835934015290378255533753560918537e-64, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*70)/71! */ 0.9200971291965738498424689801497368684501e-68, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*73)/74! */ 0.1726909026269845814268898236016773401746e-71, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*76)/77! */ 0.2990318660207525219513243698730343552806e-75, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*79)/80! */ 0.4792177340076162210758403363349909539754e-79, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*82)/83! */ 0.7128034121785158724912097818458886716873e-83, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*85)/86! */ 0.9867156868473364790852848585906543074299e-87, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*88)/89! */ 0.1274332541453359781848488775139680107749e-90, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*91)/92! */ 0.1539048963107922441846000936159033946556e-94, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*94)/95! */ 0.1741990903347959753079797324458442497517e-98, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*97)/98! */ 0.1851605977198086472236179128888650613858e-102, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*100)/101! */ 0.1851791156313717844020581187007351348993e-106, /*(1*4*7*10*13*16*19*22*25*28*31*...*103)/104! */ 0.1745655313267079415554846518672088375747e-110 }; /*!\brief Auxiliary function \f$g'\f$ Auxiliary \f$f'\f$ function could be computed from is defined as using [6]: is: \f[ f'(z)=\frac{1}{2!}z^2 +\frac{1\times4}{5!} z^5 + \frac{1\times4\times7}{8!} z^8 + \dotsb \f] \param[in] z complex number \return f(z) */ static complex gp (const complex z) { unsigned int k; complex sum; complex gpk; complex z3; complex z3np1; z3 = z * z * z; sum = 0.5 * z * z; z3np1 = z * z; for (k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE (gcoeff); k++) { z3np1 *= z3; gpk = z3np1 * gpcoeff[k]; if (norm2 (gpk) < norm2 (sum) * sqr (DBL_EPSILON) || norm2 (gpk) < DBL_MIN) return sum; sum += gpk; DEBUG ("gpcoeff=%.8e gpk=" fmtc " sum=" fmtc "\n", gpcoeff[k], creal (gpk), cimag (gpk), creal (sum), cimag (sum)); } /* Do not converge */ assert (0 && sizeof ("g do not converge!")); errno = ERANGE; (void) feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID); return sum; } /*!\brief Compute derivative of airy function of first kind \f$Ai'\f$ for small argument Compute derivative of airy function of first kind \f$Ai'\f$ for small argument using the relation [6] \f[ Ai'=Ai'(0) f'(z) + Ai(0) g'(z) \f] \param[in] z: Where to evaluate \f$Ai'\f$ \return \f$Ai(z)\f$ */ static complex cairyAip_smallarg (const complex z) { assert (issmall (z)); /* underflow */ if (norm2 (z) < sqr (DBL_MIN)) { DEBUG ("Underflow\n"); errno = ERANGE; (void) feraiseexcept (FE_UNDERFLOW); return aip0; } return aip0 * fp (z) + ai0 * gp (z); } /*!\brief Compute scaled derivative airy function of first kind \f$Aie'\f$ for small argument Compute the scalled airy function of first kind \f$Aie'(z)=e^{\zeta}Ai'(z)\f$ where \f$\zeta\f$ is \f$\frac{2}{3}z^\frac{3}{2}\f$ \note Use non scaled version */ static complex cairyAiep_smallarg (const complex z) { complex zeta; complex expzeta, nonscaled; zeta = czetafast(z); nonscaled = cairyAip_smallarg(z); expzeta = cexp(zeta); DEBUG("zeta=" fmtc " non scaled=" fmtc " exp(zeta)=" fmtc "\n", cprint(zeta), cprint(nonscaled), cprint(expmzeta)); return nonscaled * expzeta; } /*!\brief Compute derivative of airy function of first kind \f$Ai'\f$ for small argument Compute derivative of airy function of first kind \f$Ai'\f$ for small argument using the relation [6] \f[ Bi'=Bi'(0) f'(z) + Bi(0) g'(z) \f] \param[in] z: Where to evaluate \f$Ai'\f$ \return \f$Ai(z)\f$ \todo Check why not working \bug not working */ static complex cairyBip_smallarg (const complex z) { assert (issmall (z)); /* underflow */ if (norm2 (z) < sqr (DBL_MIN)) { DEBUG ("Underflow\n"); errno = ERANGE; (void) feraiseexcept (FE_UNDERFLOW); return bip0; } return bip0 * fp (z) + bi0 * gp (z); } /*!\brief Compute scaled derivative airy function of first kind \f$Bie'\f$ for small argument \note Use non scaled version */ static complex cairyBiep_smallarg (const complex z) { complex zeta; complex exppmzeta, nonscaled; zeta = czetafast(z); nonscaled = cairyBip_smallarg(z); if(arglargerpi_3(z)) exppmzeta = cexp(-zeta); else exppmzeta = cexp(zeta); DEBUG("zeta=" fmtc " non scaled=" fmtc " exp(zeta)=" fmtc "\n", cprint(zeta), cprint(nonscaled), cprint(exppmzeta)); return nonscaled * exppmzeta; } static double xp[25] = { .0435079659953445, .205779160144678, .489916161318751, .896390483211727, 1.4258249673758, 2.07903190767599, 2.85702335104978, 3.76102058198275, 4.79246521225895, 5.95303247470003, 7.24464710774066, 8.66950223642504, 10.2300817341775, 11.9291866622602, 13.7699665302828, 15.7559563095946, 17.8911203751898, 20.1799048700978, 22.6273004064466, 25.2389175786164, 28.0210785229929, 30.9809287996116, 34.1265753192057, 37.4672580871163, 41.0135664833476 }; static double wp[25] = { .0576354557898966, .139560003272262, .187792315011311, .187446935256946, .150716717316301, .10106990445338, .0575274105486025, .0280625783448681, .0117972164134041, .00428701743297432, .00134857915232883, 3.67337337105948e-4, 8.65882267841931e-5, 1.76391622890609e-5, 3.09929190938078e-6, 4.68479653648208e-7, 6.07273267228907e-8, 6.72514812555074e-9, 6.33469931761606e-10, 5.04938861248542e-11, 3.38602527895834e-12, 1.89738532450555e-13, 8.81618802142698e-15, 3.36676636121976e-16, 1.04594827170761e-17 }; /*!\brief coefficient \f$b(z)\f$ Defined in [5, pp 10] eq (6.3) as : \f[ bzcoeff = - \frac{1}{\sqrt{3\pi}2^{2/3}\Gamma(\frac{7}{6})} \f] */ static const double bzcoeff = - 0.2211877980269592949839044600746471027181; /*!\brief Compute derivative of scaled airy function (\f$Aie'\f$) for medium argument and in first quadrant (\f$0 < \arg z < \pi/2\f$) Use integral representation of Airy function [3, pp3] eq (3.3) or [5, pp 8] eq (6.3) \f{align*} Ai'(z) &= b(z) \int_0^\infty (2+\frac{t}{\zeta})^{1/6} t^{1/6} e^{-t}\;\text{d}t & b(z) &= \frac{z}{\sqrt{3\pi}2^{2/3}\Gamma(\frac{7}{6})} \frac{e^{-\zeta}}{\sqrt{\zeta}} \f} Therefore: \f{align*} Aie(z) &= b(z) \int_0^\infty (2+\frac{t}{\zeta})^{1/6} t^{1/6} e^{-t}\;\text{d}t & b(z) &= \frac{z}{\sqrt{3\pi}2^{2/3}\Gamma(\frac{7}{6})} \frac{1}{\sqrt{\zeta}} \f} Compute using a Gauss Laguerre quadrature \attention assert \f$0 < \arg z < \pi/2\f$ */ static complex cairyAiep_mediumarg_Q1(const complex z) { complex zeta, zetam12; complex bz; double t; complex integrand; complex sum; unsigned int k; assert(creal(z) >= 0); assert(cimag(z) >= 0); assert(ismedium(z)); BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(wp) == ARRAY_SIZE(xp)); zeta = czetafast(z); zetam12 = 1 / csqrt(zeta); /* here bz is bz scaled ie without \f$e^{-\zeta}\f$ */ bz = bzcoeff * z * zetam12; sum = 0; for(k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE(xp); k++) { t = xp[k]; integrand = cpow( 2 + t/zeta, 1.0 /6.0); sum += integrand * wp[k]; } return sum * bz; } /*!\brief Compute derivative of scaled airy function (\f$Aie\f$) for medium argument and in second quadrant (\f$\pi/3 \ge \arg z > \pi/2\f$) Use integral representation of Airy function [3, pp3] eq (3.3) or [5, pp 8] eq (6.3) \f{align*} Ai'(z) &= b(z) \int_0^\infty (2+\frac{t}{\zeta})^{1/6} t^{1/6} e^{-t}\;\text{d}t & b(z) &= \frac{z}{\sqrt{3\pi}2^{2/3}\Gamma(\frac{7}{6})} \frac{e^{-\zeta}}{\sqrt{\zeta}} \f} But this representation is not numerically stable for \f$\pi/3 \ge \arg z > \pi/2\f$ The reason (see [5, pp9] is the presence of singularities in the integrand at \f$t=-2\zeta\f$. This problem could be solved by turning the integration path over a given angle \f$\tau=\frac{3}{2}(\arg z -\frac{\pi}{2})\f$, that can be done using the substituation \f$t\rightarrow (t+i\tan \tau)\f$. Therefore: \f{align*} Ai'(z) &= b(z) \left(\frac{e^{i\tau}}{\cos \tau}\right)^{7/6} \int_0^\infty (2+\frac{t}{\tilde{\zeta}})^{1/6} e^{-it\tan\tau} t^{1/6} e^{-t}\;\text{d}t & b(z) &= \frac{z}{\sqrt{3\pi}2^{2/3}\Gamma(\frac{7}{6})} \frac{e^{-\zeta}}{\sqrt{\zeta}} \f} Where \f$\tilde\zeta=\cos \tau e^{-i\tau} \zeta\f$ Therefore: \f{align*} Aie(z) &= b(z) \left(\frac{e^{i\tau}}{\cos \tau}\right)^{7/6} \int_0^\infty (2+\frac{t}{\tilde{\zeta}})^{1/6} e^{-it\tan\tau} t^{1/6} e^{-t}\;\text{d}t & b(z) &= \frac{z}{\sqrt{3\pi}2^{2/3}\Gamma(\frac{7}{6})} \frac{1}{\sqrt{\zeta}} \f} Compute using a Gauss Laguerre quadrature \attention assert \f$0 < \arg z < \pi/2\f$ */ static complex cairyAiep_mediumarg_Q2(const complex z) { complex zeta, zetam12 ,zetatilde; double tau; complex eitaucostau16; complex bz; double t; complex integrand; complex sum; unsigned int k; assert(cimag(z) >= 0); assert(ismedium(z)); assert(creal(z) <= 0 && !arglargerpi2_3(z)); BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(wp) == ARRAY_SIZE(xp)); tau = 3.0 / 2.0 * (carg(z) - M_PI_2); eitaucostau16 = cpow(cexp(I * tau)/cos(tau), 7.0 / 6.0); zeta = czetafast(z); zetam12 = 1 / csqrt(zeta); zetatilde = cos(tau) * cexp(-I * tau) * zeta; /* here az is az scaled ie without \f$e^{-\zeta}\f$ */ bz = bzcoeff * z * zetam12; sum = 0; for(k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE(xp); k++) { t = xp[k]; integrand = cpow( 2 + t/zetatilde, 1.0 /6.0); integrand *= cexp(-I * t * tan(tau)); sum += integrand * wp[k]; } return sum * bz * eitaucostau16; } /*!\brief Compute derivative of scaled Airy function of first kind in region I ie \f$|\arg z|< 2\pi/3\f$ */ static complex cairyAiep_mediumarg_regionI(const complex z) { assert(cimag(z) >= 0); assert(isregionI(z)); assert(ismedium(z)); if(creal(z) > 0) return cairyAiep_mediumarg_Q1(z); return cairyAiep_mediumarg_Q2(z); } /*!\brief Compute scaled derivative of airy Ai function of first kind (\f$Aie'\f$) in upper region II upper complex plane (\f$\frac{2\pi}{3} \le \arg z \le \pi\f$) This function use connexion formula given by [3] eq (7.1) (see comment just after) for \f$\frac{2\pi}{3} \le \arg z \le \pi \f$ The connexion formula is derivate using derivation of [3, pp 10] eq (7.1) for \f$\frac{2\pi}{3} \le \arg z \le \pi \f$: \f[ Aie'(z)=-e^{-\frac{4\pi i }{3}} e^{\frac{4}{3}z^\frac{3}{2}} Aie'\left(e^{-\frac{2\pi i }{3}}z\right) -e^{\frac{4\pi i }{3}} Aie'\left(e^{\frac{2\pi i }{3}}z\right) \f] \attention assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ \note Because we assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ then \f$-\frac{\pi}{3} \le \arg e^{\frac{2\pi i }{3}} \le 0\f$ we could therefore use the mirror property of derivative of scaled Airy function. \note Because we assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ then \f$0 \le \arg e^{-\frac{2\pi i }{3}} \le \frac{\pi}{3}\f$ */ static complex cairyAiep_mediumarg_regionII(const complex z) { complex exp_43z32; complex ze2pi_3, zem2pi_3; complex Aizem2pi_3, Aize2pi_3; complex first, second; assert(cimag(z) >= 0); assert(ismedium(z)); assert(isregionII(z)); exp_43z32 = cexp_43z32(z); ze2pi_3 = z * M_EXP_I_2PI_3; zem2pi_3 = z * M_EXP_MI_2PI_3; /* quick test */ assert(cimag(ze2pi_3) <= 0); assert(cimag(zem2pi_3) >= 0); /* Use reflexion property */ Aize2pi_3 = conj(cairyAiep_mediumarg_regionI(conj(ze2pi_3))); Aizem2pi_3 = cairyAiep_mediumarg_regionI(zem2pi_3); first = - exp_43z32 * M_EXP_I_2PI_3 * Aizem2pi_3; second = M_EXP_MI_2PI_3 * Aize2pi_3; return first - second; } /*!\brief Compute derivative of scaled airy Ai function of first kind (\f$Aie'\f$) in upper complex plane (\f$\Im\text{m}\; z > 0\f$) This function use integral representation in upper region I (\f$0 \le \arg z < \frac{2\pi}{3}\f$) and connexion formula given by [3] eq (7.1) for \f$\frac{2\pi}{3} \le \arg z \le \pi \f$ \attention assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ */ static complex cairyAiep_mediumarg(const complex z) { assert(cimag(z) >= 0); assert(ismedium(z)); DEBUG("z= " fmtc "arg=%e (%e°) norm2(z)=%e cabs(z)=%e\n", cprint(z), carg(z), carg(z) * 180 / M_PI, norm2(z), cabs(z)); /* region I */ if(!arglargerpi2_3(z)) { DEBUG("z is in region I\n"); return cairyAiep_mediumarg_regionI(z); } /* Region II */ DEBUG("z is in region II\n"); return cairyAiep_mediumarg_regionII(z); } /*!\brief Compute derivative airy function of first kind (\f$Ai'\f$) in upper complex plane (\f$\Im\text{m}\; z > 0\f$) \attention assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ */ static complex cairyAip_mediumarg(const complex z) { complex zeta; complex expmzeta, scaled; assert(ismedium(z)); zeta = czetafast(z); scaled = cairyAiep_mediumarg(z); expmzeta = cexp(-zeta); return scaled * expmzeta; } /*!\brief Compute \f$(-1)^k d_k\f$ coefficient of large argument expansion According to (10.4.58) [1-p448] \f$d_k\f$ is defined by: \f{align*} c_1 &= 1 \\ c_k &= \frac{\Gamma(3k+\frac{1}{2})}{54^k k! \Gamma(k + \frac{1}{2})} &= \frac{(2k + 1)(2k + 3)\dotsm(6k-1)}{216^k k!} \f} And \f{align*} d_0 &= 1 \\ d_k &= - \frac{6k+1}{6k-1}c_k \f} */ static const double m1kdk[] = { /* 1 */ 1.0, /*-(6*1+1)/(6*1-1)*(3*5)/(216^1*1!)*/ -0.9722222222222222222222222222222222222222e-1, /*-(6*2+1)/(6*2-1)*(5*7*9*11)/(216^2*2!)*/ 0.438850308641975308641975308641975308642e-1, /*-(6*3+1)/(6*3-1)*(7*9*11*13*15*17)/(216^3*3!)*/ -0.4246283078989483310470964791952446273434e-1, /*-(6*4+1)/(6*4-1)*(9*11*13*15*17*19*21*23)/(216^4*4!)*/ 0.6266216349203230579688055682568714118783e-1, /*-(6*5+1)/(6*5-1)*(11*13*15*17*19*21*23*25*27*29)/(216^5*5!)*/ -0.1241058960272750945365995472686525879637e0, /*-(6*6+1)/(6*6-1)*(13*15*17*19*21*23*25*27*29*31*33*35)/(216^6*6!)*/ 0.3082537649010791121244706347668153400116e0, /*-(6*7+1)/(6*7-1)*(15*17*19*21*23*25*27*...*39*41)/(216^7*7!)*/ -0.9204799924129445709272387010397958069791e0, /*-(6*8+1)/(6*8-1)*(17*19*21*23*25*27*29*...*45*47)/(216^8*8!)*/ 0.3210493584648620907973650261091926694828e1, /*-(6*9+1)/(6*9-1)*(19*21*23*25*27*29*31*...*51*53)/(216^9*9!)*/ -0.1280729308073562507270352766191763966996e2, /*-(6*10+1)/(6*10-1)*(21*23*25*27*29*31*...*57*59)/(216^(10)*10!)*/ 0.5750830351391427202784792351524962368467e2, /*-(6*11+1)/(6*11-1)*(23*25*27*29*31*33*...*63*65)/(216^(11)*11!)*/ -0.2870332371092211077349530828987143464969e3, /*-(6*12+1)/(6*12-1)*(25*27*29*31*33*35*...*69*71)/(216^(12)*12!)*/ 0.1576357303337099717826796734206480988574e4, /*-(6*13+1)/(6*13-1)*(27*29*31*33*35*37*...*75*77)/(216^(13)*13!)*/ -0.9446354823095931962917203933936059684732e4, /*-(6*14+1)/(6*14-1)*(29*31*33*35*37*39*...*81*83)/(216^(14)*14!)*/ 0.6133570666385205823144156720993205420295e5, /*-(6*15+1)/(6*15-1)*(31*33*35*37*39*41*...*87*89)/(216^(15)*15!)*/ -0.4289524004000690702056279232746451901804e6, /*-(6*16+1)/(6*16-1)*(33*35*37*39*41*43*...*93*95)/(216^(16)*16!)*/ 0.3214536521400864829067001615998274242038e7, /*-(6*17+1)/(6*17-1)*(35*37*39*41*43*45*...*99*101)/(216^(17)*17!)*/ -0.2569790838391132545132402844162019073394e8, /*-(6*18+1)/(6*18-1)*(37*39*41*43*45*47*...*105*107)/(216^(18)*18!)*/ 0.2182934208321603255352054236989171911959e9, /*-(6*19+1)/(6*19-1)*(39*41*43*45*47*49*...*111*113)/(216^(19)*19!)*/ -0.1963523788991032752712502001911678390107e10, /*-(6*20+1)/(6*20-1)*(41*43*45*47*49*51*...*117*119)/(216^(20)*20!)*/ 0.1864393108810721585266530546676276293606e11, /*-(6*21+1)/(6*21-1)*(43*45*47*49*51*53*...*123*125)/(216^(21)*21!)*/ -0.1863529963852938843791870115867629869396e12, /*-(6*22+1)/(6*22-1)*(45*47*49*51*53*55*...*129*131)/(216^(22)*22!)*/ 0.1955882932389842694320697012392635516333e13, /*-(6*23+1)/(6*23-1)*(47*49*51*53*55*57*...*135*137)/(216^(23)*23!)*/ -0.2150644463519724977106616660546950490151e14, /*-(6*24+1)/(6*24-1)*(49*51*53*55*57*59*...*141*143)/(216^(24)*24!)*/ 0.2472369922906211612860123840379928905489e15, /*-(6*25+1)/(6*25-1)*(51*53*55*57*59*61*...*147*149)/(216^(25)*25!)*/ -0.2965882430295212630916036338073544714235e16, /*-(6*26+1)/(6*26-1)*(53*55*57*59*61*63*...*153*155)/(216^(26)*26!)*/ 0.3706244000635465228366390921824488862185e17, /*-(6*27+1)/(6*27-1)*(55*57*59*61*63*65*...*159*161)/(216^(27)*27!)*/ -0.4816782647945217540878439641969943986785e18, /*-(6*28+1)/(6*28-1)*(57*59*61*63*65*67*...*165*167)/(216^(28)*28!)*/ 0.6500984080751062701873088502894851484942e19, /*-(6*29+1)/(6*29-1)*(59*61*63*65*67*69*...*171*173)/(216^(29)*29!)*/ -0.90991982643654122347816576387500974448e20, /*-(6*30+1)/(6*30-1)*(61*63*65*67*69*71*...*177*179)/(216^(30)*30!)*/ 0.1319088866907750709757953915010100931894e22, /*-(6*31+1)/(6*31-1)*(63*65*67*69*71*73*...*183*185)/(216^(31)*31!)*/ -0.1978219607616628114145519327828544287333e23, /*-(6*32+1)/(6*32-1)*(65*67*69*71*73*75*...*189*191)/(216^(32)*32!)*/ 0.3065639370223598386092264218755129070279e24, /*-(6*33+1)/(6*33-1)*(67*69*71*73*75*77*...*195*197)/(216^(33)*33!)*/ -0.4904119815775620835731518126711435220212e25, /*-(6*34+1)/(6*34-1)*(69*71*73*75*77*79*...*201*203)/(216^(34)*34!)*/ 0.809039537418702808214940194228926925524e26, /*-(6*35+1)/(6*35-1)*(71*73*75*77*79*81*...*207*209)/(216^(35)*35!)*/ -0.1375142480406956245407560846801889960356e28, /*-(6*36+1)/(6*36-1)*(73*75*77*79*81*83*...*213*215)/(216^(36)*36!)*/ 0.2406127967357125254551277279514124821451e29, /*-(6*37+1)/(6*37-1)*(75*77*79*81*83*85*...*219*221)/(216^(37)*37!)*/ -0.4330398100410561949304091184921348144313e30 }; /*!\brief Compute scalled airy function of first kind (\f$e^{\zeta}Ai\f$) in upper region I (\f$0 < \arg z < \frac{2\pi}{3}\f$) Compute the scalled airy function of first kind (\f$e^{\zeta}Ai\f$) where \f$\zeta\f$ is \f$\frac{2}{3}z^\frac{3}{2}\f$ For large argument according to (10.4.61) [1-p448] \f$|z|\f$ \f$A_i\f$ could be approximated by (\f$|\arg z| < \pi\f$): \f[ Ai' = - \frac{1}{2} \pi^\frac{-1}{2} z^{1}{4} e^{-\zeta} \sum_0^\infty (-1)^k d_k \zeta^{-k} \f] and d_k defined by (10.4.58) [1-p448]: \f{align*} c_1 &= 1 \\ c_k &= \frac{\Gamma(3k+\frac{1}{2})}{54^k k! \Gamma(k + \frac{1}{2})} = \frac{(2k + 1)(2k + 3)\dotsm(6k-1)}{216^k k!} \f} And \f{align*} d_0 &= 1 \\ d_k &= - \frac{6k+1}{6k-1}c_k \f} Therefore scaled \f$Ai'\f$ is defined by: \f[ Ai' = -\frac{1}{2} \pi^\frac{-1}{2} z^{1}{4} \sum_0^\infty (-1)^k d_k \zeta^{-k} \f] According to [2, pp 475-476] this expansion is valid in region I, ie (\f$|\arg z| < \frac{2\pi}{3}\f$) and \f$|z| > \rho\f$ where \f$\rho \f$ is defined in [2, tab I pp 480]. \attention assert \f$\Im\text{m}\; z \ge 0\f$ \attention Computation are only valid for region I ie \f$|\arg z| < \frac{2\pi}{3}\f$ (asserted) */ static complex cairyAiep_largearg_regionI(const complex z) { complex z1_4; complex z32; complex coeff; complex invzeta; complex zmk; complex sum; complex aik; unsigned int k; assert(islarge(z)); assert(cimag(z) >= 0); assert(isregionI(z)); /* z1_4 = z^(1/4) */ z1_4 = cz1_4(z); /* coeff = 1/2 * sqrt(pi) * z^(1/4) */ coeff = - halfinversesquarerootpi * z1_4; DEBUG("constant=%e coeff=" fmtc " z^1/4=" fmtc "\n", halfinversesquarerootpi, cprint(coeff), cprint(z1_4)); /* underflow */ if(cabs(z) > DBL_MAX_POW_2_3) goto overflow; /* overflow is avoided because |z| < DBL_MAX^(2/3) */ z32 = cpow32fast(z); invzeta = (3 / 2.0) / z32; sum = 1; zmk = 1; for ( k = 0 ; k < ARRAY_SIZE(m1kdk) ; k++) { zmk *= invzeta; aik = zmk * m1kdk[k]; if (norm2 (aik) < norm2 (sum) * sqr (DBL_EPSILON) || norm2 (aik) < DBL_MIN) return coeff * sum; sum += aik; DEBUG("zmk=" fmtc " aik=" fmtc " sum=" fmtc "\n", cprint(zmk), cprint(aik), cprint(sum)); } /* Do not converge */ assert (0 && sizeof ("large expansion do not converge!")); errno = ERANGE; (void) feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID); return coeff * sum; overflow: return coeff; } /*!\brief Derivative of Airy function of first kind (\$fAi'\f$) \todo Document */ complex cairyAip(const complex z) { /* mirror symetry */ if(cimag(z) < 0.0) return conj(cairyAip(conj(z))); if(use_small (z)) return cairyAip_smallarg(z); return cairyAip_mediumarg(z); } /*!\brief Scaled derivative of Airy function of first kind (\f$Aie'\f$) \todo Document */ complex cairyAiep(const complex z) { /* mirror symetry */ if(cimag(z) < 0.0) return conj(cairyAiep(conj(z))); if(use_small (z)) return cairyAiep_smallarg(z); return cairyAiep_mediumarg(z); } /*!\brief Derivative of Airy function of second kind (\f$Bi'\f$) \todo Document */ complex cairyBip(const complex z) { /* mirror symetry */ if(cimag(z) < 0.0) return conj(cairyBip(conj(z))); if(use_small (z)) return cairyBip_smallarg(z); } /*!\brief Scaled derivative of Airy function of second kind (\f$Bie'\f$) \todo Document */ complex cairyBiep(const complex z) { /* mirror symetry */ if(cimag(z) < 0.0) return conj(cairyBiep(conj(z))); if(use_small (z)) return cairyBiep_smallarg(z); } #ifdef TEST_CAIRY #include "test_cairy.c" #endif