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Re: Zoom

From: Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Subject: Re: Zoom
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2020 15:51:43 -0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Icedove/68.10.0

Em 13/11/2020 15:15, Roy Lemmon escreveu:
> Can anyone give me hints on getting Zoom installed with sound ?

Unless I'm mistaken, this is related to the software described in [1],

If that is the case, then the Guix community won't be able to officially
help in this matter.

Computers are somewhat dumb, they understand only 0s and 1s. However,
humans cannot easily tell what these do, they need ways to both inspect
what is being, make changes, share and sell any of these, all of which
is made easy if the copyright holder of the work (Zoom Video
Communications, Inc and many others) were to distribute the source code
in any customary mean of file distribution, along with a license that
guarantees such rights to everyone.

In other words, it's tempting for the copyright holder to keep these
rights to themselves, due to the possibility for abusing the users of
the software. So, in the world of computers, for any work/data that can
be used practically/functionally (not just software), you as a user have
only two possibilities: either you exercise collective control of the
data, so that you can call upon others to help you do so when you're
incapable of; or someone controls the data and can misuse this position
to limit what you can do.

So, the Guix community won't be able to do much here due to the fact
that the copyright holder of Zoom did not give you, and us all, the
essential freedoms of the software, that is: the freedom to use it for
any purpose (freedom 0); to study and adapt it for any purpose, and
reuse de adaptations (freedom 1); to share and sell unlimited copies of
the original (freedom 2); and to do the same as 2, but for modified copies.

Guix being a project and a community committed to the Free System
Distribution Guidelines of the GNU project (GNU FSDG or simply FSDG)
([2]), cannot assist on the matters exclusively related to non-free
functiona/practical work/data, or those not mentioned in this message
that are still mentioned in the FSDG. In short, the official Guix
repositories, documentation, and the community won't be able to help.

However, excluding the kludge made by the copyright holders of Zoom,
there's no technological measures stopping you from using this thing.
It's advisable that you don't foster usage of this stuff by others.

# References

[1]: .

[2]: .

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