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Package definition - argument, fix for wrong file format before unpack

From: 白い熊
Subject: Package definition - argument, fix for wrong file format before unpack
Date: Sat, 21 May 2022 20:16:06 +0200
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.4.7

Hello everyone:

I'm trying to build some old apps - one of them is an emacs package only available now via the Wayback machine.

The problem is though that the download is an xxxx.tar.gz file in name - in fact it is really only a tar archive. So guix build fails with wrong file format error. Concretely - it is this file:

I think I should add some "(arguments" lines in the package recipe - replacing the unpack phase? However not sure exactly how - am searching but haven't found any examples fixing for such a problem.

Could someone advise me - how to specify the file should be unpacked as really just a tar archive so that the build can then proceed?

Many thanks.

Best regards / 宜しく御願い致します / S pozdravem / C уважением / Z poważaniem / Mit freundlichen Grüßen


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