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Re: Using Makefile to run guix shell?

From: Peter Polidoro
Subject: Re: Using Makefile to run guix shell?
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 12:46:21 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.11; emacs 28.2

zimoun <> writes:

$ cat Makefile
        which make

        @guix shell -C which make -- $(MAKE) stuff

$ which make

$ make stuff
which make

$ make guixy
which make


I just watched the excellent 10 Years of Guix talk "Guix REPL—to infinity and beyond".

I am not sure if you are the same Simon, but it made me wonder if using guix extension could a nice way to solve these sorts of problems.

Could I have a set of guix extensions local to each project so that I can run commands like:

guix serial-shell PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0

Which would really run something like:

guix time-machine -C .channels.scm -- shell --container --expose=$(PORT) -- make PORT=$(PORT) serial-shell

Where some Makefile defines serial-shell:

 picocom -b 9600 -f n -y n -d 8 -p 1 -c $(PORT)

Maybe the path of the Makefile would need to be specified in the extension somewhere.

That way non-guix users can just run the Makefile and guix users only need to use the guix command. Or maybe the extension could call a shell script if that is better for non-guix users than running a Makefile.

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