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Re: Environment Variables

From: Paul D. Smith
Subject: Re: Environment Variables
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 09:20:41 -0400

%% Jens Schweikhardt <address@hidden> writes:

  js> That said: if gmake produces as output lines of the form var=value,
  js> you can use the shell's eval command:

Note this is _VERY_ hard, because make will fairly often print other
random stuff, like directory information, etc.  Safer is the method I
mentioned, where the makefile writes the stuff to a file which the
parent sources; it's easier for the makefile to control the contents of
the file.  If you're concerned about security, the parent should
construct a secure area for the file to be written and give it to make
as a command line variable setting.

Jens is right; you basically don't want to do this if at all possible.

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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