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Re: Weird make error

From: david . hagood
Subject: Re: Weird make error
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2012 15:27:26 -0600
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.21

> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 11:40 AM,  <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Under OpenSuSE X86_64, I am trying to cross compile glibc 2.14 with make
>> (either 3.81 or 3.81),
> Uh, which versions?
Sorry: make v3.81 or make v3.82.

>> and I am getting a repeatable error on building glibc.
> Since this is a problem with the glibc build, have you asked on the
> glibc mailing list to see if they have any familiarity with the
> problem?
Yes, and no response.

> I suggest you test that by running the rule with make under 'strace'
> (or whatever your OS's system call tracing utility is) with whatever
> flags are necessary to see the full arguments being passed to the
> shell.  I.e., something like
>     strace -o tr -f -e trace=process -v make
This only happens when doing the full up make - I cannot isolate it.

However, make itself is reporting that it is creating the bogus command
line (what I copied was the output from make as it ran the command - as
in, "make >&/tmp/log" and then capturing the output"

>> This has been totally repeatable on my machine. Also, I've seen somebody
>> else post this sort of output on pastebin, but have seen nothing else
>> about it.
> How did things work out for that person?

The wonderful (NOT) thing about pastebin is that while I can find the
link, it doesn't give me any context. The most I can find is a mention of
the pastebin link on an IRC chat log, wherein the person basically says "I
am seeing this" - and then getting cricketschirp.mp3 as a response.

I'm still trying to nail this down - I now suspect that the issue may be
related to running a parallel build, and am testing that theory.


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