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RE: why is ./foobar target noted as foobar ??

From: Mark Galeck (CW)
Subject: RE: why is ./foobar target noted as foobar ??
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2012 00:34:57 -0800

> That is, I'm OK with make recognizing that the strings "./foo" and "foo"
refer to the same file on the disk for the purposes of determining
out-of-dateness etc. but I don't think make should be changing the value
of address@hidden

AMEN.  So, would it get fixed :)  Like I said, I got a Linux kernel break 
precisely due to that.  I may have to follow your advice at

>Please don't top-post.

? I am not sure what you mean.  I don't "top-post". Top-posting is where you 
put your reply and then quote the original messages in its entirety below.  I 
don't do that because it is lazy, causes undue network traffic and shows 
disrespect to the reader.  I don't have a particular reply style, I just trim 
and interleave as seems appropriate to get the gist of the reply together with 
that is being replied to.  

> On the other hand, what should make do if it sees two rules like:

./foo: ; @echo with dir
foo: ; @echo without dir

Can you elaborate?

Thank you,


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