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Re: [Info-nano] [ANNOUNCE] nano-5.5 is released

From: Seb
Subject: Re: [Info-nano] [ANNOUNCE] nano-5.5 is released
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2021 00:20:00 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: Alpine 2.21 (DEB 202 2017-01-01)

Hi Benno,

2021.01.14 - GNU nano 5.5  "Rebecca"

Well done!

? Option 'set minibar' makes nano suppress the title bar and instead
 show a bar with basic editing information at the bottom: file name
 (plus an asterisk when the buffer is modified), the cursor position
 (line,column), the character under the cursor (U+xxxx), the flags
 that --stateflags normally shows, plus the percentage of the buffer
 that is above the cursor.

I like the idea of having three more lines of the file displayed on the screen.
I'm not sure about some details though:

* Does this line really have to be at the bottom of the file? When I type, I use mostly the bottom half of the screen, thus the "minibar" line is more distracting to me at the bottom of the screen than at the top.

* The counter of chars on this line changes every time I type a letter
(obviously), thus it "flashes" and it distracts me from what I'm typing. The information "line count,char count" is already available with ^C, does it really need to be available at all times?

* Idem for the Unicode code, it flashes and seems rarely useful.

To go even further along the "minibar" idea: would it be possible to let this line disappear completely with a keyboard toggle, perhaps ^C?

? Option 'set markmatch' highlights the result of a successful search
 by putting the mark at the end of the match, making the match more
 visible.  It also suppresses the cursor until the next keystroke.
 (If you dislike the hiding of the cursor, use 'set showcursor'.)

I love it already.

Kind regards,

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