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[Help-smalltalk] [PATCH] packages.xml parsing refactoring

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: [Help-smalltalk] [PATCH] packages.xml parsing refactoring
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 11:08:56 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20070604)

This extracts parsing of the <package> tag into its own method. This will allow both parsing of "test-only" subpackages and parsing of an XML file inside a ZIPped/TARred package.

* looking for address@hidden/smalltalk--devo--2.2--patch-404 to compare with
* comparing to address@hidden/smalltalk--devo--2.2--patch-404
M  kernel/

* modified files

--- orig/kernel/
+++ mod/kernel/
@@ -30,18 +30,6 @@
-Object subclass: #Package
-       instanceVariableNames: 'name features prerequisites builtFiles files 
fileIns directory libraries modules callouts namespace sunitScripts'
-       classVariableNames: ''
-       poolDictionaries: ''
-       category: 'Language-Packaging'
-Package comment:
-'I am not part of a standard Smalltalk system. I store internally the
-information on a Smalltalk package, and can output my description in
 Namespace current: Kernel!
 Object subclass: #PackageGroup
@@ -80,8 +68,32 @@ PackageDirectory comment:
 information on a Smalltalk package, and can output my description in
+Object subclass: #PackageInfo
+       instanceVariableNames: 'name '
+       classVariableNames: ''
+       poolDictionaries: ''
+       category: 'Language-Packaging'
+PackageInfo comment:
+'I am not part of a standard Smalltalk system. I store internally the
+information on a Smalltalk package, and can output my description in
 Namespace current: Smalltalk!
+Kernel.PackageInfo subclass: #Package
+       instanceVariableNames: 'features prerequisites builtFiles files fileIns 
directory libraries modules callouts namespace sunitScripts'
+       classVariableNames: ''
+       poolDictionaries: ''
+       category: 'Language-Packaging'
+Package comment:
+'I am not part of a standard Smalltalk system. I store internally the
+information on a Smalltalk package, and can output my description in
 Object subclass: #PackageLoader
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
@@ -286,78 +298,55 @@ refresh
        ifFalse: [ baseDirectories ].
     allDirs isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^self ].
-    packages := LookupTable new.
     file := [ FileStream open: fileName mode: FileStream read ]
        on: Error
        do: [ :ex | ^self ].
-    stack := OrderedCollection new.
+    packages := LookupTable new.
+    [ self parse: file baseDirectories: allDirs ]
+        ensure: [ file close ].
+parse: file baseDirectories: baseDirs
+    | open ch cdata tag package |
+    open := false.
     [ cdata := cdata isNil
        ifTrue: [ file upTo: $< ]
        ifFalse: [ cdata, (file upTo: $<) ].
        file atEnd ] whileFalse: [
+       cdata trimSeparators isEmpty ifFalse: [
+           ^self error: 'unexpected character data' ].
        ch := file peek.
        ch == $! ifTrue: [ file skipTo: $> ].
        ch == $/ ifTrue: [
-           tag := stack removeLast.
            file next.
-           (file upTo: $>) = tag ifFalse: [
-               file close.
-               ^self error: 'error in packages file: unmatched end tag ', tag
-           ].
-           "I tried to put these from the most common to the least common"
+           ^(tag := file upTo: $>) = 'packages'
+               ifTrue: [ packages ]
+               ifFalse: [ ^self error: 'unmatched end tag ', tag ] ].
-           tag = 'file' ifTrue: [ package files add: cdata ] ifFalse: [
-           tag = 'filein' ifTrue: [ package fileIns add: cdata ] ifFalse: [
-           tag = 'prereq' ifTrue: [ package prerequisites add: cdata ] 
ifFalse: [
-           tag = 'provides' ifTrue: [ package features add: cdata ] ifFalse: [
-           tag = 'module' ifTrue: [ package modules add: cdata ] ifFalse: [
-           tag = 'directory' ifTrue: [ package directory: cdata ] ifFalse: [
-           tag = 'name' ifTrue: [ package name: cdata ] ifFalse: [
-           tag = 'namespace' ifTrue: [ package namespace: cdata ] ifFalse: [
-           tag = 'library' ifTrue: [ package libraries add: cdata ] ifFalse: [
-           tag = 'package' ifTrue: [
-               (package baseDirectories: allDirs)
-                   ifTrue: [ packages at: package name put: package ]] 
ifFalse: [
-           tag = 'built-file' ifTrue: [ package builtFiles add: cdata ] 
ifFalse: [
-           tag = 'sunit' ifTrue: [ package sunitScripts add: cdata ] ifFalse: [
-           tag = 'callout' ifTrue: [ package callouts add: cdata ]]]]]]]]]]]]].
-           cdata := nil.
-       ].
        ch isAlphaNumeric ifTrue: [
-           stack addLast: (tag := file upTo: $>).
-           tag = 'package' ifTrue: [ package := Package new ].
-           tag = 'disabled-package' ifTrue: [ package := Package new ].
-           cdata := nil
-       ].
-    ].
-    file close.
-    stack isEmpty ifFalse: [
-       self error: 'error in packages file: unmatched start tags', stack 
asArray printString
-    ].
+           open
+               ifFalse: [
+                   tag := file upTo: $>.
+                   tag = 'packages' ifFalse: [ ^self error: 'expected packages 
tag' ].
+                   open := true ]
+               ifTrue: [
+                   file skip: -1.
+                   package := Package parse: file.
+                   (package notNil and: [ package baseDirectories: baseDirs ])
+                       ifTrue: [ packages at: package name put: package ] ] ] ]
 ! !
-!Package methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+!Kernel.PackageInfo methodsFor: 'accessing'!
     "File in the given package and its dependencies."
     PackageLoader fileInPackage: self name!
-printXmlOn: aStream collection: aCollection tag: aString
-    "Private - Print aCollection on aStream as a sequence of aString
-     tags."
-    aCollection do: [ :each |
-       aStream
-           nextPutAll: '  <'; nextPutAll: aString; nextPut: $>;
-           nextPutAll: each;
-           nextPutAll: '</'; nextPutAll: aString; nextPut: $>;
-           nl
-    ]!
 printOn: aStream
     "Print a representation of the receiver on aStream (it happens
      to be XML."
@@ -413,8 +402,7 @@ printOn: aStream
        collection: { self directory }
        tag: 'directory'.
-    files := self files copy addAll: self builtFiles; yourself.
-    files size > 1 ifTrue: [ aStream nl ].
+    self files size + self builtFiles size > 1 ifTrue: [ aStream nl ].
        printXmlOn: aStream
        collection: self files
@@ -437,6 +425,129 @@ name: aString
     "Answer the namespace in which the package is loaded."
+    self subclassResponsibility!
+    "Answer a (modifiable) Set of features provided by the package."
+    self subclassResponsibility!
+    "Answer a (modifiable) Set of prerequisites."
+    self subclassResponsibility!
+    "Answer a (modifiable) OrderedCollection of files that are part of
+     the package but are not distributed."
+    self subclassResponsibility!
+    "Answer a (modifiable) OrderedCollection of files that are part of
+     the package."
+    self subclassResponsibility!
+    "Answer an OrderedCollection of all the files, both built and
+     distributed, that are part of the package."
+    ^self files, self builtFiles!
+    "Answer a (modifiable) OrderedCollections of files that are to be
+     filed-in to load the package.  This is usually a subset of
+     `files' and `builtFiles'."
+    self subclassResponsibility!
+    "Answer a (modifiable) Set of shared library names
+     that are required to load the package."
+    self subclassResponsibility!
+    "Answer a (modifiable) Set of modules that are
+     required to load the package."
+    self subclassResponsibility!
+    "Answer a String containing a SUnit script that
+     describes the package's test suite."
+    self sunitScripts isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^'' ].
+    ^self sunitScripts fold: [ :a :b | a, ' ', b ]!
+    "Answer a (modifiable) OrderedCollection of SUnit scripts that
+     compose the package's test suite."
+    self subclassResponsibility!
+    "Answer a (modifiable) Set of call-outs that are required to load
+     the package.  Their presence is checked after the libraries and
+     modules are loaded so that you can do a kind of versioning."
+    self subclassResponsibility!
+    "Answer the base directory from which to load the package."
+    self subclassResponsibility!
+! !
+!Package class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
+parse: file
+    | stack cdata ch tag package |
+    stack := OrderedCollection new.
+    [
+       [ cdata := cdata isNil
+           ifTrue: [ file upTo: $< ]
+           ifFalse: [ cdata, (file upTo: $<) ].
+           file atEnd ] whileFalse: [
+           ch := file peek.
+           ch == $! ifTrue: [ file skipTo: $> ].
+           ch == $/ ifTrue: [
+               tag := stack removeLast.
+               file next.
+               (file upTo: $>) = tag ifFalse: [
+                   ^self error: 'error in packages file: unmatched end tag ', 
+               ].
+               "I tried to put these from the most common to the least common"
+               tag = 'file' ifTrue: [ package files add: cdata ] ifFalse: [
+               tag = 'filein' ifTrue: [ package fileIns add: cdata ] ifFalse: [
+               tag = 'prereq' ifTrue: [ package prerequisites add: cdata ] 
ifFalse: [
+               tag = 'provides' ifTrue: [ package features add: cdata ] 
ifFalse: [
+               tag = 'module' ifTrue: [ package modules add: cdata ] ifFalse: [
+               tag = 'directory' ifTrue: [ package directory: cdata ] ifFalse: 
+               tag = 'name' ifTrue: [ package name: cdata ] ifFalse: [
+               tag = 'namespace' ifTrue: [ package namespace: cdata ] ifFalse: 
+               tag = 'library' ifTrue: [ package libraries add: cdata ] 
ifFalse: [
+               tag = 'package' ifTrue: [ ^package ] ifFalse: [
+               tag = 'disabled-package' ifTrue: [ ^nil ] ifFalse: [
+               tag = 'built-file' ifTrue: [ package builtFiles add: cdata ] 
ifFalse: [
+               tag = 'sunit' ifTrue: [ package sunitScripts add: cdata ] 
ifFalse: [
+               tag = 'callout' ifTrue: [ package callouts add: cdata 
+               cdata := nil.
+           ].
+           ch isAlphaNumeric ifTrue: [
+               tag := file upTo: $>.
+               tag = 'package' ifTrue: [ package := Package new ].
+               tag = 'disabled-package' ifTrue: [ package := Package new ].
+               (stack isEmpty and: [ package isNil ])
+                   ifTrue: [ self error: 'expected package tag' ].
+               stack addLast: tag.
+               cdata := nil
+           ].
+        ]
+    ] ensure: [
+        stack isEmpty ifFalse: [
+           self error: 'error in packages file: unmatched start tags',
+               stack asArray printString ]
+    ]
+! !
+!Package methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+    "Answer the namespace in which the package is loaded."
 namespace: aString
@@ -465,11 +576,6 @@ files
     files isNil ifTrue: [ files := OrderedCollection new ].
-    "Answer an OrderedCollection of all the files, both built and
-     distributed, that are part of the package."
-    ^self files, self builtFiles!
     "Answer a (modifiable) OrderedCollections of files that are to be
      filed-in to load the package.  This is usually a subset of
@@ -489,12 +595,6 @@ modules
     modules isNil ifTrue: [ modules := Set new ].
-    "Answer a String containing a SUnit script that
-     describes the package's test suite."
-    self sunitScripts isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^'' ].
-    ^self sunitScripts fold: [ :a :b | a, ' ', b ]!
     "Answer a (modifiable) OrderedCollection of SUnit scripts that
      compose the package's test suite."
@@ -609,6 +709,7 @@ primFileIn
     self features do: [ :each | Smalltalk addFeature: each ].
 ! !
 !PackageLoader class methodsFor: 'accessing'!
 packageAt: package

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