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[Help-smalltalk] [PATCH] #nextPutAll:

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: [Help-smalltalk] [PATCH] #nextPutAll:
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 12:40:52 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20070728)

It turns out we had half a dozen implementation, of varying degree of efficiency. Now all a stream has to override is #next:putAll:startingAt: (if they wish to).

2007-08-23  Paolo Bonzini  <address@hidden>

        * kernel/ Remove #nextPutAll:.
        * kernel/ Remove #nextPutAll: and #nextPutAllFlush:.
        * kernel/ Remove #nextPutAll: and #nextPutAllFlush:.
        * kernel/ Use #nextHunk in #nextPutAll:, add 
        * kernel/ Implement #next:putAll:startingAt:.
        * kernel/ Likewise.

        * zlib/ Delay blocking until first access.
        * zlib/ Remove #nextPutAll:.

--- orig/kernel/
+++ mod/kernel/
@@ -161,32 +161,6 @@ nextPutByte: anInteger
     ^super nextPut: (int bitAnd: 255)
-nextPutAll: aCollection
-    "Write all the objects in aCollection to the receiver"
-    | collEnd relative lastCopied |
-    aCollection isSequenceable
-       ifFalse: [ ^super nextPutAll: aCollection ].
-    aCollection isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^self ].
-    collEnd := ptr + aCollection size - 1.
-    relative := ptr - 1.
-    [ 
-       lastCopied := collEnd min: collection size.
-       collection
-           replaceFrom: ptr
-           to: lastCopied
-           with: aCollection
-           startingAt: ptr - relative.
-       (ptr := lastCopied + 1) > collEnd
-    ]   whileFalse: [
-       ptr > endPtr ifTrue: [ endPtr := ptr ].
-       self growCollection
-    ].
 nextPutByteArray: aByteArray
     "Store aByteArray on the byte array"
     ^self nextPutAll: aByteArray

--- orig/kernel/
+++ mod/kernel/
@@ -532,27 +532,6 @@ next: n putAll: aCollection startingAt: 
     "Put the characters in the supplied range of aCollection in the file"
     ^self write: aCollection from: position to: position + n - 1!
-nextPutAll: aCollection
-    "Put all the characters in aCollection in the file"
-    | stream |
-    aCollection isSequenceable ifFalse: [
-       [ stream := aCollection readStream ]
-           on: MessageNotUnderstood
-           do: [ :ex | ex return: aCollection asString readStream ].
-       [ stream atEnd ] whileFalse: [ self write: stream nextHunk ].
-       ^self ].
-    self write: aCollection asString
-nextPutAllFlush: aCollection
-    "Put all the characters in aCollection in the file.  For compatibility
-     with FileStream (FileDescriptor is not buffered, thus this method is
-     equivalent to nextPutAll:"
-    self write: aCollection asString
 nextByteArray: anInteger
     "Return the next 'anInteger' bytes from the stream, as a ByteArray."
     ^(self next: anInteger) asByteArray

--- orig/kernel/
+++ mod/kernel/
@@ -351,45 +351,6 @@ copyFrom: from to: to
 !FileStream methodsFor: 'overriding inherited methods'!
-nextPutAllFlush: aCollection
-    "Put all the characters in aCollection in the file, then flush the
-     file buffers"
-    | n coll written |
-    coll := aCollection asString.
-    n := coll size.
-    written := collection size - ptr + 1 min: n.
-    self next: written bufferAll: coll startingAt: 1; flush.
-    written = n ifFalse: [ self write: coll from: written + 1 to: n ].
-nextPutAll: aCollection
-    "Put all the characters in aCollection in the file"
-    | n coll written |
-    "Just do 'coll := aCollection asString', but avoid expensive operations
-     in the common case where aCollection is already a String."
-    coll := aCollection isSequenceable
-       ifTrue: [ aCollection ]
-       ifFalse: [
-           [ aCollection asString ]
-               on: MessageNotUnderstood
-               do: [ :ex |
-                   "If we are in a stream, try to facilitate buffering."
-                   [ aCollection atEnd ] whileFalse: [
-                       coll := aCollection nextHunk.
-                       self next: coll size putAll: coll startingAt: 1 ].
-                   ^self ] ].
-    n := coll size.
-    written := collection size - ptr + 1 min: n.
-    self next: written bufferAll: coll startingAt: 1.
-    written = n ifTrue: [ ^self ].
-    self flush.
-    n - written < collection size
-        ifTrue: [ self next: n - written bufferAll: coll startingAt: written + 
1 ]
-       ifFalse: [ self write: coll from: written + 1 to: n ].
 next: n putAll: aCollection startingAt: pos
     | written |
     written := collection size - ptr + 1 min: n.

--- orig/kernel/
+++ mod/kernel/
@@ -201,11 +201,28 @@ next: n putAll: aCollection startingAt: 
+nextPutAllFlush: aCollection
+    "Put all the elements of aCollection in the stream, then flush the
+     buffers if supported by the stream."
+    self nextPutAll: aCollection; flush
 nextPutAll: aCollection
     "Write all the objects in aCollection to the receiver"
-    aCollection isSequenceable
-       ifTrue: [ self next: aCollection size putAll: aCollection startingAt: 1 
-       ifFalse: [ aCollection do: [ :element | self nextPut: element ] ].
+    | coll |
+    aCollection isSequenceable ifTrue: [
+       ^self next: aCollection size putAll: aCollection startingAt: 1 ].
+    "Try to detect a Stream."
+    [ aCollection atEnd ] 
+        on: MessageNotUnderstood
+        do: [ :ex | ^self nextPutAll: (self species withAll: aCollection) ].
+    "If we are in a stream, try to facilitate buffering."
+    [ aCollection atEnd ] whileFalse: [
+        coll := aCollection nextHunk.
+        self next: coll size putAll: coll startingAt: 1 ].

--- orig/kernel/
+++ mod/kernel/
@@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ next: anInteger put: anObject
     self nextPutAll: (String new: anInteger withAll: anObject)
-nextPutAll: aString
+next: n putAll: aString startingAt: pos
     "Write aString to the Transcript"
     semaphore critical: [
-       self primNextPutAll: aString.
+       self primNextPutAll: (aString copyFrom: pos to: pos + n - 1).
        Processor idle

--- orig/kernel/
+++ mod/kernel/
@@ -99,6 +99,27 @@ nextPut: anObject
+next: n putAll: aCollection startingAt: pos
+    "Put n characters or bytes of aCollection, starting at the pos-th,
+     in the collection buffer."
+    | end written amount |
+    ptr = collection size ifTrue: [ self growCollection ].
+    written := 0.
+    [
+        end := collection size min: ptr + (n - written - 1).
+       end >= ptr ifTrue: [
+           collection
+               replaceFrom: ptr
+               to: end
+               with: aCollection
+               startingAt: pos + written.
+            written := written + (end - ptr + 1).
+           ptr := end + 1 ].
+        written < n
+    ] whileTrue: [ self growCollection ].
+    ptr > endPtr ifTrue: [ endPtr := ptr - 1 ]!
     "Returns a collection of the same type that the stream accesses, up to 
     and including the final element."

--- orig/packages/zlib/
+++ mod/packages/zlib/
@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ position
 !ZlibReadStream methodsFor: 'private'!
+    ptr := 0.
     delta := 0.
-    endPtr := 0.
-    self fillBuffer!
+    endPtr := 0!
 initialize: aStream
     super initialize: aStream.

--- orig/packages/zlib/
+++ mod/packages/zlib/
@@ -147,28 +147,6 @@ nextPut: aByte
     inBytes at: ptr put: aByte.
     ptr := ptr + 1!
-nextPutAll: aCollection
-    "Put all the characters or bytes in aCollection in the deflation buffer."
-    | n coll written |
-    "Just do 'coll := aCollection asString', but avoid expensive operations
-     in the common case where aCollection is already a String."
-    ptr = inBytes size ifTrue: [ self flushBuffer ].
-    coll := aCollection isSequenceable
-        ifTrue: [ aCollection ]
-        ifFalse: [
-            [ aCollection asString ]
-                on: MessageNotUnderstood
-                do: [ :ex |
-                    "If we are in a stream, try to facilitate buffering."
-                    [ aCollection atEnd ] whileFalse: [
-                        coll := aCollection nextHunk.
-                        self next: coll size putAll: coll startingAt: 1 ].
-                    ^self ] ].
-    self next: coll size putAll: coll startingAt: 1!
 next: n putAll: aCollection startingAt: pos
     "Put n characters or bytes of aCollection, starting at the pos-th,
      in the deflation buffer."

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