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Re: [Help-smalltalk] Building GST under Windows

From: glpunzi
Subject: Re: [Help-smalltalk] Building GST under Windows
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 12:33:30 +0200
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.1.6)

Well, I apologize for my last mail.

I don't read quite well english, and I can understand it in other way as expressed. I have a bad day at work, and is not fault of anybody other than me. Sorry to you and the list, and as always, thanks for your time and efforts.

Quoting Paolo Bonzini <address@hidden>:

I'm sorry if my answer came out a bit ugly.

The point is, the right thing to do is to provide binary builds, and
possibly do that in an automated way.  And in order to do it in an
automated way, the easiest thing to do is to cross-compile (also
because the images can be treated as mostly architecture independent).
It's in theory possible to cross-compile for Mac as well.

Also, compiling everything is cumbersome as you experienced yourself.
This can be made easier by relying on prepackaging done by someone
else.  This doesn't necessarily point to cross-compiling, but again
cross-compilation does take care of that.


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