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Re: [Help-smalltalk] DynamicVariable in a Continuation

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: Re: [Help-smalltalk] DynamicVariable in a Continuation
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 09:35:11 +0200
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On 05/24/2011 08:20 AM, Derek Zhou wrote:
Hi All,
It looks like the sematic of DynamicVariable changed not very long ago; it
was based on Notification, but it now just uses a ProcessVariable. Here is a
simple testcase:

DynamicVariable subclass: Seed [
Eval [
     |b g1 g2|
     b := [:v | v + Seed value].
     g1 := Generator on: [ :g |
         v := 0.
         Seed use: 2 during: [
             [ g yield: v.
               v := b value: v ] repeat ]].
     g2 := Generator on: [ :g |
         v := 0.
         Seed use: 3 during: [
             [ g yield: v.
               v := b value: v ] repeat ]].
     Transcript nextPutAll: '%1 %2 %3 %4' % {
         g1 next.
         g2 next.
         g1 next.
         g2 next}; nl.

It used to yield "0 0 2 3" but yields "0 0 3 3" now. I'd think "0 0 2 3" is
the correct answer; the documantion specifically mentioned stackframes so
the stackframes hopping from the Continuation should affect the variable,

You are correct. The change was made because it was hundreds of time faster to use ProcessVariable, but I missed this use case. I have to think about it. Do you have any suggestion on how to name the classes to keep the current one available, and still provide "real" DynamicVariables?


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