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[Hurdfr-paris] transmission

From: Hester Mcginnis
Subject: [Hurdfr-paris] transmission
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 19:33:00 +0900

Yes, sir, I guess thats true, too, he commented.
Griffiths here just as quickly and clearly as you can what it isyou do here.
At the sametime he wondered if she were not really above the type of work shewas seeking.
Distinctly she wasabove the average of the girls in this room.
We will, and all the more so because you arerelated to us. And in connection with this dream and this attempted saving twoyears went by.
Yes, she said, looking at him most directly and frankly.
About fifteen, I think, replied Gilbert blandly. And now at once, after being introduced to Mr.
And then about this time, an almost revolutionary thing for thispart of the world occurred.
Were there none in Lycurgus in the factory world? No, sir, I never have, answered Clyde, but so nervous that healmost stuttered.
Also was it wise to place a young man of Clydesyears and looks among so many girls? Clyde had observed this quite by accident one evening as he waswalking alone about the city. You agreed to it in the first place when Isuggested it, didnt you? And here again it was her ownmood that succeeded in alienating them almost completely. At the sametime he wondered if she were not really above the type of work shewas seeking.
Infact I know thats the way it has to be. There was something quite searching and penetrating about herglance. If I cant, now is the time to say so, persisted Gilbert.
This plant is practically operated bywomen from cellar to roof. There wereso many women and girls of so many different types and moods. Andonce were through with em, were through with em.
Andhere they were so remote from men or idle pleasure in any form, allalone with just him, really.
We will, and all the more so because you arerelated to us.
And hedidnt seem to see any one else at all before.
Anyhow, this is one business that requirespeople who do know. It took him out of all contact with Dillard. And I think I might manage if I were given a trial.
Why not, for the time being, send him upstairs for atryout? Still there was thistemporary vacancy, and it was the only one in the whole factory atthe moment. And anything less than that is a liability. And anything less than that is a liability. Still there was thistemporary vacancy, and it was the only one in the whole factory atthe moment.
Seeing and doing are two entirely different things.
This plant is practically operated bywomen from cellar to roof. His cheeks resumed theirnormal pallor and the light died from his eyes. Griffiths here just as quickly and clearly as you can what it isyou do here.
But thereason I called you up here to-day is this.

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