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[Ann] modified log mail script

From: Jens Klöcker
Subject: [Ann] modified log mail script
Date: 18 Apr 2001 08:33:16 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.1 (Cuyahoga Valley)

The following script might be useful for other CVS users. It is a
modified version of the scripts that comes with CVS. It was
especially designed to ease development in many parallel branches (as
we do), but also includes some other improvements:

- It uses the CVSROOT/users file (as described in Karl Fogel's script) to map cvs user names to real names and email

- It don't depends on an external mail program -- we use the
  Mail::Mailer Perl module to directly talk to an SMTP port.

- It explicitly notes the current branch.

Usage is like, e.g., in CVSROOT/loginfo:

address@hidden %s)


# Author: Jens Klöcker <address@hidden>
# Created: 2001-02-19
# $Id: logmail,v 1.14 2001/04/18 06:05:59 jens Exp $
# Description: Send log mails from CVS using the CVSROOT/users
#              file for cvs user--real name mapping
# Copyright (C) 2001 by ets GmbH
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
# USA.

use Mail::Mailer;
use strict;

# configuration

# CVSROOT environment variable
my $cvsroot = $ENV{'CVSROOT'} or
    die "Unable to detect CVSROOT!\n";

# figure out who is commiting
my $author = ($ENV{'USER'} or 
              getlogin or 
              (getpwuid($<))[0] or 

# SMTP server to use
my $smtpserver  = "raptor";

# sender address (CVS administrator) if no user address can be found
my $from    = 'address@hidden';

my $subject_prefix = 'CVS update:';

# mail sending type (smtp, mail, sendmail, test)
my $mailtype    = "smtp";

# user mapping file
my $userfile = "$cvsroot/CVSROOT/users";

# cvs log command to find out the branch
my $cvsstatcmd = '/opt/cvs/bin/cvs -nQq status -v';

# /configuration -- you should not change anything below

# parse command line arguments

my $users = [];
my $donefiles;
my $names_with_branches;
my @files;

while (@ARGV) {
  my $arg = shift @ARGV;

  if ($arg eq '-m') {
    push (@$users, shift @ARGV);
  elsif ($arg eq '-u') {
    $from = shift @ARGV;
  elsif ($arg eq '-b') {
    $names_with_branches = 1;
  else {
    $donefiles and die "Too many arguments!\n";
    $donefiles = 1;
    @files = split(/ /, $arg);

# the first argument is the module location relative to $CVSROOT
my $modulepath = shift @files;

# detect directory-changes via "-" file names
@files = ("--") if $files[0] eq "-";

# construct mail subject
my $subject = "$subject_prefix $modulepath";

# construct and apply the user mapping
my $usermap = &maybe_read_user_map_file ();

if (defined ($usermap->{$author}) and $usermap->{$author}) {
  $author = $usermap->{$author};
  $from = $author;

# find out branch information and record them in the subject an for
# use in the email header

my %branches;
my $branches = '--';

if ($files[0] ne '--') {

  foreach my $file (@files) {
    my $branch = '';
    open (CVS, "$cvsstatcmd $file |")
        or die "Can't run cvs command: $!\n";
    while (<CVS>) {
      if (/Sticky\s+Tag:\s+(\S+)/) {
        $branch = $1;
        $branches{$branch} = 1;
    close CVS;
    $file .= " ($branch)" if ($branch and $names_with_branches);

  $branches = %branches ? join (", ", keys %branches) : 'trunk';
  $subject .= " ($branches)";


# join all file names
my $nice_files = join (",\n|             ", @files);

# catch the log message and throw away everything else

my $log_message_seen;
my $log_message;

while (<>) {
  if (/^log message:$/i) {
    $log_message_seen = 1;
  elsif ($log_message_seen) {
    $log_message .= $_;

$log_message or $log_message = "[Empty]";

# now we can construct the message body

my $body = <<"_EOT_";
+------------------------------------------------[CVS Update]
| CVS-Author: $author
| Module:     $modulepath
| Branch:     $branches
| Files:      $nice_files

Log Message:



# send the email if at least one user could be found

if (exists $users->[0]) {

  my $mailer = Mail::Mailer->new ($mailtype, Server => $smtpserver) or
      die "Unable to create new mailer object:$!\n";
  $mailer->open({From => $from,
                 To => $users,
                 Subject => $subject}) or
                     die "Unable to populate mailer object:$!\n";

  print $mailer $body;

# The next sub is "borrowed" from Karl Fogl's

sub maybe_read_user_map_file () {
  my %expansions;

  if ($userfile) {
    open (MAPFILE, "<$userfile")
        or die ("Unable to open $userfile: $!)");

    while (<MAPFILE>) {
      next if /^\s*\#/;  # Skip comment lines.
      next if not /:/;   # Skip lines without colons.

      # It is now safe to split on ':'.
      my ($username, $expansion) = split ':';
      chomp $expansion;
      $expansion =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/;
      $expansion =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;

      # If it looks like the expansion has a real name already, then
      # we toss the username we got from CVS log.  Otherwise, keep
      # it to use in combination with the email address.

      if ($expansion =~ /^\s*<{0,address@hidden/) {
        # Also, add angle brackets if none present
        if (! ($expansion =~ /<address@hidden>/)) {
          $expansions{$username} = "$username <$expansion>";
        else {
          $expansions{$username} = "$username $expansion";
      else {
        $expansions{$username} = $expansion;
    close (MAPFILE);

  return \%expansions;

exit 0;

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